Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Adding background image to analog clock.
@ChrisLeduex is z-index:99 below above? so would be hidden by module in fullscreen_above. don’t want them peeking thru
@sdetweil Larger numbers sit on top of smaller numbers. In this case I wanted to make sure the svg image was always underneath the clock face/hands (z-index: 0) and the clock hands were always on top (z-index: 99). I could have used ‘z-index: 0’ and ‘z-index: 1’ instead but picked a larger number just to be sure the clock is always on top of anything else that might get added.
I’m still working on it because I’d like to have a solution that doesn’t require any code changes to the module files. I’d like something that only requires using the custom.css file.
@ChrisLeduex cool, it was just a question of implementation checking… good work
Sorry @sdetweil, this is my first MM project and I have no idea what I’m doing. So I didn’t understand that “fullscreen_above” was a position option for modules.
In the screen shot below I left my clock the same as before with ‘z-index: 0’ on the apple and ‘z-index: 99’ on all the other classes of the clock. I then set my calendar module to “fullscreen_above” to see what would happen.
Not easy to see in the screen shot but all of the components of the clock that have a z-index are on top of the calendar and the date which doesn’t have any z-index values is underneath the calendar. So it would appear that any z-index value, even 0, puts those components on top of “fullscreen_above”. So yes, it should be used carefully because it will peek through.
{ module: "clock", position: "top_left", config: { displayType: "analog", displaySeconds: false, } }, { module: "calendar", header: "US Holidays", position: "fullscreen_above", config: { calendars: [ {
@ChrisLeduex – Interesting exercise. Where did you put the .svg image[s]? In with the clock faces in the module folder? In the module folder root? Other?
@JohnGalt I just put them directly in the CSS folder with the custom.css file while I was testing everything. But they can certainly go wherever you like based on how you organize stuff.
@ChrisLeduex – OK, thanks. I wasn’t sure that the url path went anywhere in particular.