Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-OpenWeatherForecast showing incorrect weather for my location
Hello - I’ve been using MMM-OpenWeatherForecast successfully for a while, but noticed the temperature is significantly different from the actual temp in my location. I’ve used to get the right Latitude and Longitude, but it’s still not right. When I navigate to, I see the correct temperature for my location (New Jersey, USA).
Any idea what could cause this? I don’t think the config allows anything other than lat/long to determine the location (e.g., no zip code, or location ID).
@kasperb did you out them in config as numbers or quoted strings? need numbers
@sdetweil Hi - just regular numbers e.g,
-74.005974, -
@kasperb can you show the module config?
which source for the module?
in the module folder dogit remote -v
Here is the config:
{ module: "MMM-OpenWeatherForecast", position: "top_left", disabled: false, header: "", config: { apikey: "_DELETED_", //SUPER SECRET latitude: <RM FOR PRIVACY>, longitude: <RM FOR PRIVACY, units: "imperial", debug: true, apiBaseURL: "", iconset: "3m", colored: false, concise: true, requestDelay: "2000", showFeelsLikeTemp: true, showCurrentConditions: true, showSummary: true, showExtraCurrentConditions: true, extraCurrentConditions: { highLowTemp: true, precipitation: true, sunrise: false, sunset: false, wind: true, barometricPressure: false, humidity: true, dewPoint: false, uvIndex: true, visibility: false }, forecastLayout: "table", forecastHeaderText: "", hourlyForecastTableHeaderText: "Hourly", showHourlyForecast: true, showHourlyTableHeaderRow: true, hourlyForecastInterval: 3, maxHourliesToShow: 3, hourlyExtras: { precipitation: true, wind: true, barometricPressure: false, humidity: false, dewPoint: false, uvIndex: false, visibility: false }, dailyForecastTableHeaderText: "Weekly", showDailyForecast: true, showDailyTableHeaderRow: true, maxDailiesToShow: 5, dailyExtras: { precipitation: true, sunrise: false, sunset: false, wind: true, barometricPressure: false, humidity: false, dewPoint: false, uvIndex: false }, } },
This is the output of the command:
origin (fetch)
origin (push) -
@kasperb ok, his doc says
At a minimum you need to supply the following required configuration parameters: apikey latitude longitude apikey needs to be specified as a String, while latitude and longitude can be specified as either a String or a Number. Both work fine. By default the module uses the OpenWeater One Call API in version 3.0 now cause version 2.5 has been shut down in June 2024. If you know what you are doing you can use the config option apiBaseURL to specify the URL you like.
SO, you don’t need the apiBase property
and you DID get a new 3.0 apikey, (which is backed by a credit card), right?
the old (2.5) apiKey will not work with the 3.0 /onecall endpoint
also, for future… all config and log info in a code block please here on the forum
to do
paste text into editor, blank line above and below
select text just pasted
hit </> button above editorthe code block markers will be added… they MUST start a new line by themselves(why the blank line above/below)