Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I’ve just come across this great module, but I cannot quite get it to work.
My default calendar module shows multiple google-calendar based calendars/entries.
This works fine.
However: CX3 only shows the ‘work’ calendar and I do not know why.Can anybody point me in the right direction ?
Edit: so I got it working (somehow) but the calendar entries take forever to show up in CX3.
Why is that ?[2025-02-07 12:31:47.169] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 12 events from [2025-02-07 12:31:47.701] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 27 events from [2025-02-07 12:31:48.719] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 70 events from [2025-02-07 12:31:49.691] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 42 events from [2025-02-07 12:31:50.976] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 36 events from [2025-02-07 12:31:56.453] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 93 events from
my CX3 config:
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_bar", title: "", config: { mode: "week", weekIndex: "0", weeksInView: "2", instanceId: "basicCalendar", //locale: 'de-DE', maxEventLines: 8, firstDayOfWeek: 1, calendarSet: null, } },
my default calendar module config:
{ module: "calendar", position: "bottom_right", header: "Calendar", config: { broadcastPastEvents: true, colored: false, coloredSymbolOnly: false, maximumEntries: 8, maxTitleLength: 50, maximumNumberOfDays: 180, timeFormat: "relative", getRelative: 60 * 24, urgency: 60, calendars: [ { url: '', symbol: 'calendar', // MAINZ 05 CALENDAR name: 'mainz05', colour: 'white', }, { url: '', symbol: 'calendar', // MAIN GOOGLE CALENDAR name: 'personal', colour: 'white', }, { url: '', symbol: 'calendar', // FORMULA 1 CALENDAR name: 'f1', colour: 'white', }, { url: '', symbol: 'calendar', // EB MAINZ name: 'eb_mainz', colour: 'white', }, { url: '', symbol: 'calendar', // PRO RUNDE name: 'pro_runde', colour: 'white', }, { url: '', symbol: 'calendar', // BUSINESS TRIPS name: 'work', colour: 'white', }, ], }, },
@p1lspeda i would start with commenting out the calendarSet:null
thanks for the help.
Did that - no change.
Same problem and I have no idea where to start an lookEdit: HA ! I decreased the refreshIntervall and it seems as that did the trick - I could have probably just waited 30min (but I’m impatient)
@p1lspeda ok. nice work.
Ext3 attempts to not flash the screen on every update. the individual calendar data arrive at different timesso the waitFetch value is used to decide when to display initially, and refreshInterval after that
waitFetch defaults to 5 seconds
so this means some data arrived after 5 seconds (waitFetch)
Re: MMM-CalendarExt3
Next (easy) question:
My CX3 module doesn’t have symmetrical borders (left & right), i.e. the left border is smaller than the right border.
I want to maximize the width or at least have symmetrical borders.
Border = distance between module edge and display edge
See the screenshot:
How can I adjust these in my custom.css ?
My custom.css includesbody { margin: 10px; position: absolute; height: calc(100% - 30px); width: calc(100% - 30px); }
A hint/clue/idea would be very much appreciated.
Thanks ! -
@p1lspeda we already set margins and borders
see css/main.csssounds like your 7 day width is not symmetrical to the position the module is in
CX3 has extensive classes that should allow you to position it properly
also your css entry whacks the entire page, not just your module config.
see the position layout in the doc here
html is typically reading anchored left for ltr langusgrd abd right for rtl langusges, so you should br able to increase the left edge number to shift the whole image right
.CX3 { left:20px; }
this left is relative to its configured position
@sdetweil Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Seems I need to play around with css. -
@p1lspeda see the second link below in my signature for using the developers window elements tan
I just did a new build of my MM to upgrade to Bookworm and update to no longer use unsupported modules. Everything went well for the most part except my calendars aren’t showing. This is in the Error log from start up -
[2025-02-17 11:56:43.570] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3.js:390:11][0m [CX3] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.576] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3.js:390:11][0m [CX3] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.668] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:186:11][0m [CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.673] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:186:11][0m [CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.690] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:186:11][0m [CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m
I can see in the main log that the Calendar module is getting data -
[2025-02-17 17:12:47.050] [34m[INFO] [39m [34mCalendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 584 events from[39m [2025-02-17 17:12:47.215] [34m[INFO] [39m [34m[1m[calendar.js:699:7][0m sorting events count=130[39m [2025-02-17 17:12:47.297] [34m[INFO] [39m [34m[1m[calendar.js:699:7][0m sorting events count=112[39m [2025-02-17 17:12:47.309] [34m[INFO] [39m [34m[1m[calendar.js:739:7][0m slicing events total maxcount=10[39m
I’ve tried the
git submodule update --init --recursive
from the install instructions and it didn’t seem to help. Thoughts?
@gonzonia if you installed MagicMirror 2.30
did you also install the fix?