Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Google Photos API changing - MMM-GooglePhotos will stop working soon.
@gonzonia yes, i use local already. have a 12tb nas drive for photos
@sdetweil yeah Google was one of my backups. We are primarily an Apple family but there’s no iCloud module that I’m aware of. I’ll have to do an export or figure something else out.
@sdetweil what module are you using for local photos?
@Andresleonsalas I use an updated version of MMM-ImagesPhotos
see my fork
supports recursive image folder…
I am picky about displaying my photos…
I don’t want cover or contain, I want consistent aspect ratio…
fit vertical or horizontal and adjust the other to the physical size… -
@sdetweil Thanks. I got that up and running. One thing I wish it had (and I don’t think any module does). I’d like to show some of the EXIF data.
At a minimum, the date the photo was taken, but ideally, also lookup the location and display that in a friendly manner (i.e. City, State, Country)I thought, “that shouldn’t be too hard” but I don’t understand modules and the relationship of node helper to the main js. I’m not sure how to load the appropriate library to access the exif data.
@gonzonia modulename.js runs in a browser
but a browser cannot access files, except thru a web server,
also cant access hardware (gpio)so the node_helper runs on server as task, so it can
there is an api to send request to helper and get response back,
this module uses another trick, by accessing a web link to a fileanyhow , here is a drawing i did years ago to explain this, its truncated on the side on purpose, as its just repetitive
my sample module shows all that operation, one could extend the response to include the exif data
here is a nodejs lib that does exif -
@sdetweil Thanks. That’s helpful. But I think it’s still above my pay-grade. I may poke around and see if I can figure something out, but I’m not sure I can. I conceptually understand what’s happening, but don’t see it in the code in a way that is clicking for me such that I can just make a call to an Exif method where it pulls the data from the file.
I’ve come across a couple of other modules who are doing some of it, but again, I’m not quite sure I understand how the data is being passed around so that I can correctly apply the logic in the right place.
@sdetweil MMM-BackgroundSlideshow seems to do exactly what I want, but I think your handling of formatting the images is better.