Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Logging issues
@BKeyport sent message
@sdetweil Got message - nothing critical, as usual. and if you have a better way to set page & pause (stop), then later resuming (start) the rotation, I’m all ears.
For reference, same configuration as before.
@BKeyport git pull for update
I think you can set page (will resume rotation)
then immediately (or before rotationTime) pauseRotation -
@sdetweil – Pausing is working perfectly, but we moved the bug elsewhere.
[MMM-pages] received a notification to change to page 0 of type string. MMM-pages.js:192 [MMM-pages] cannot change to a named page 0' updatePages @ MMM-pages.js:192 notificationReceived @ MMM-pages.js:102 sendNotification @ main.js:99 sendNotification @ main.js:649 sendNotification @ module.js:350 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Remote-Control.js:159 (anonymous) @ module.js:240 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:32 Emitter.emit @ index.js:136 emitEvent @ socket.js:553 onevent @ socket.js:540 MMSocket.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:26 onpacket @ socket.js:508 Emitter.emit @ index.js:136 (anonymous) @ manager.js:217 Promise.then (anonymous) @ globals.js:4 ondecoded @ manager.js:216 Emitter.emit @ index.js:136 add @ index.js:142 ondata @ manager.js:203 Emitter.emit @ index.js:136 _onPacket @ socket.js:259 Emitter.emit @ index.js:136 onPacket @ transport.js:99 onData @ transport.js:91
curl -X GET http://mirrorserv:8080/api/notification/PAGE_CHANGED/0 curl -X GET http://mirrorserv:8080/api/notification/PAUSE_ROTATION/
@BKeyport can you show me the actual request for page 0
its a number, 0 , not a string “0” or ‘0’
@sdetweil it’s through MMM-Remote-Control - the curl statements above is what is sent to trigger.
@BKeyport ok, will look at what to do
@sdetweil FWIW, it worked before the latest changes, just didn’t pause as requested.
@BKeyport yes, i know, i sent a notification with a string and it crashed. so i added a check, its NOT supposed to be a string
but ive got to figure out how to deal with that -
@sdetweil Yeah, I was looking into the code myself.
Maybe a re-write to see if it’s a string, then parseint(this.curPage) - and if it’s not NaN, run it?