Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Logging issues
@BKeyport can you show me the actual request for page 0
its a number, 0 , not a string “0” or ‘0’
@sdetweil it’s through MMM-Remote-Control - the curl statements above is what is sent to trigger.
@BKeyport ok, will look at what to do
@sdetweil FWIW, it worked before the latest changes, just didn’t pause as requested.
@BKeyport yes, i know, i sent a notification with a string and it crashed. so i added a check, its NOT supposed to be a string
but ive got to figure out how to deal with that -
@sdetweil Yeah, I was looking into the code myself.
Maybe a re-write to see if it’s a string, then parseint(this.curPage) - and if it’s not NaN, run it?
@BKeyport yeh, but parseInt stops if it sees a non numeric, but doesn’t fail
so 1234test returns 1234
which is incomplete
such was my comment about what to do
@BKeyport git pull when you have time
@sdetweil OK. It’s now changing pages correctly, but it will resume rotation if pause is already set and you request it again.
@BKeyport did you log that?
doing pause-rotation?