Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 and MMM-Callmonitor-Current-Call
@xIExodusIx Dear Carsten, this is awesome!
Thanks a LOT!
Currently - in my installation - the Info Box which is signalling the call is not a „message-box“ and disappears when call is ended.
Did you modify this -then I would hesitate to install newest version…
Thanks a lot for your effort!
Warmest regards,
Ralf -
@rkorell said in MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 and MMM-Callmonitor-Current-Call:
Currently - in my installation - the Info Box which is signalling the call is not a „message-box“ and disappears when call is ended.
Did you modify this -then I would hesitate to install newest version…
Thanks a lot for your effort!Hi Ralf,
I did not change the appearance of the message-box, in the module it is an alert, I only tried to let it disappear right when you answer the incomming call, because on my MM2 the message box blurres the background and I can not clearly see all other modules and the “MMM-Current-Call” module, that also shows me if the current call is incomming or outgoing, but now the message box disappears when the incomming call is answered.
The MMM-Current-Call" module makes only sense if you have more then one telephon-line, so you can see how many people are talking right now, and if the calls are incomming or outgoing.Hope that will help you to decide.
Carsten -
@xIExodusIx Thanks again, this helps!
Ralf -
I played a little bit around with the colors and changed also the appearance of missed calls, the missed calls now will be displayed in color “magenta” with a “star”. You can edit the colors by yourself by editing the “MMM-Fritz-Box-Callmonitor-py3.js” file, you can’t miss these entrys.
I also edited the file again.
I will push these changes to github at my next update, but I have to test a little bit more because I have to wait for the unwanted calls that are in my blocked “phonenumber range list”, and I don’t know when these unwanted calls are incomming.
But hopefully I got most of the annoying problems under control. :-)Regards
Carsten -
@xIExodusIx It’s good practise to keep style information not in the *.js code but in the CSS file of module - than everybody can make persistent changes to style related issues in custom.css which will not been overwritten by module updates…
Warm regards,
Ralf -
Yes, I know, but I don’t know how to transfer this code-lines to the .css file, the code for appaerance and color were in the module.js file before I began to try to get it work. I only modified them.
The last two problems I have with the module is, to show the correct number in the callist, not “sip:myown number”, when an incomming call is blocket by the “number range list” and to hide the alert of these calls.
On these problems I still work.
Carsten -
@xIExodusIx Dear Carsten,
quick feedback for you: Just installed your newest version.
And - to my big surprise - it works like I would like to have…
I only have installed "MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 " - to be 100% clear, may there is the difference.
But with only this module incoming calls are displayed/signalled (grey’ish / white color) and the message box disappears either when the call is taken or if the caller hangs up.
This exactly is what I would like to have.
You definitely have done something magical because the initial code holds the message box until call is ended.
THANKS!!!You ARE a coder :-)
Warmest greetings to Hamburg (as your git-account now reveals),
RalfFor the CSS stuff - my apologies…
I cannot guide here, as well. I’ve seen your color coding in dependency from call-type.
I GUESS you can solve this with case-dependent CSS-attributes and so avoid the complete “switch”-clause.
But this is far beyond my own capabilities - may Sam (@sdetweil ) can lead through this…