Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-PIR-Sensor] Install failing
@Jopyth Thank you for your quick reply! :)
I tried for hours now… I think it’s connected correctly, because when I’m switching the pin-number in the script the script shows me always “0” - with the correct pin-number it shows me “1”…
I also put the sensor in a box - always shows me “1”… completely strange… :/ -
It shows1
because of the pull up resistor. Try removing that part, check my edited post above.Edit: The
does not mean it is wired correctly, it just shows 1 because of the pull up resistor. -
thank you for the updated script!
the new script also shows me “Intruder detected” … i tried many variations of time and sensitivity adjustments…I found another script on the internet:
from gpiozero import MotionSensor pir = MotionSensor(4) while True: if pir.motion_detected: print("Motion detected!")
This script shows me also the “Motion detected” all the time…
Maybe the PIR-Sensor itself is the problem… I will try with another Sensor next week :( -
Thanks for trying to help me.
I tried what you said. It always says “motion detected”.
I’m sure the wiring is right… I also use the dht22 sensor and that works perfectly fine. And the way you count the pins is the same… isn’t it?I bought a new PIR sensor… but the problem is still there.
@Makradon Nope, definitely not the same numbering.
@Jopyth said in [MMM-PIR-Sensor] Install failing:
@Makradon Nope, definitely not the same numbering.
Now I’m confused.
5V is Pin 2
Ground is Pin 6
I think that is right when you count like this:
And when you don’t change the pin in the config file it says SensorPin 22.
So which is the right pin in the pic above to connect the output of the PIR sensor that it works with this module? -
@Makradon Sensor PIN 22 for the PIR-Sensor module is this one:
Edit: Maybe I was confused by the diagram of the DHT22 module. It looked to me like the GPIO and WiringPi numbers are different.
In other post they posted this link, maybe it will help?? -
@PindaPower said in [MMM-PIR-Sensor] Install failing:
In other post they posted this link, maybe it will help?? you. With that i understood the delay and sensitivy knob.
But! When i put sensivity at most right, the monitor goes on automatically ON after a while, even when there is NO movement in the radius… How can i debug this? -
I’ve tried following the instruction above of removing and reinstalling but I keep getting the below errors. I’m not even sure what they are unfortunately, wondering if anyone is able to help.
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor $ npm install npm WARN engine electron-rebuild@1.5.7: wanted: {"node":">=6.0.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.1","npm":"2.14.7"}) > epoll@0.1.20 install /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/onoff/node_modules/epoll > node-gyp rebuild make: Entering directory '/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/onoff/node_modules/epoll/build' CXX(target) Release/ SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/ COPY Release/epoll.node make: Leaving directory '/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/onoff/node_modules/epoll/build' - > Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor > electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/node_modules/spawn-rx/lib/index.js:139 let cmdArgs = ['/C', exe, ...args]; ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token ... at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16) at Module._compile (module.js:414:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object. (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/rebuild.js:38:16) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object. (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/cli.js:24:16) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) npm ERR! Linux 4.4.38+ npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" npm ERR! node v4.2.1 npm ERR! npm v2.14.7 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall: `electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall script 'electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/npm-debug.log
edit: I have tried modifying the package.json file in the FAQ but the install exits within a minute, vs a really long time leaving the original. Seems like it gets farther through the install the first time. Though I’ve noticed i do have the electron folder and not an electron-prebuilt. The following is the error I get when i remove the -prebuilt.
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor $ npm install | > Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor > electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/node_modules/spawn-rx/lib/index.js:139 let cmdArgs = ['/C', exe, ...args]; ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token ... at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16) at Module._compile (module.js:414:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/rebuild.js:38:16) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/cli.js:24:16) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) npm ERR! Linux 4.4.38+ npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" npm ERR! node v4.2.1 npm ERR! npm v2.14.7 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall: `electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall script 'electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/npm-debug.log
After doing the npm rebuild suggested above I get this error (with original/modified package.json)
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor $ npm install - > Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor > electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/node_modules/spawn-rx/lib/index.js:139 let cmdArgs = ['/C', exe, ...args]; ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token ... at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16) at Module._compile (module.js:414:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/rebuild.js:38:16) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) at Module.require (module.js:366:17) at require (module.js:385:17) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/node_modules/electron-rebuild/lib/cli.js:24:16) at Module._compile (module.js:435:26) npm ERR! Linux 4.4.38+ npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" npm ERR! node v4.2.1 npm ERR! npm v2.14.7 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall: `electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor@1.1.0 postinstall script 'electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! electron-rebuild -e ../../node_modules/electron-prebuilt npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls Magic-Mirror-Module-PIR-Sensor npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-PIR-Sensor/npm-debug.log