Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Weekly Calendar
Harder part is going to be adding time display to the events … or, an hourly view. Thinking of real estate again. How many arrays can I nest … :)
@KirAsh4 I’m really looking forward to this being released, it looks great and gives a better view than the default list.
Nice work, and thanks for putting the time in
Wow…Awesome work, that is pretty damn close to what I was envisioning…Thank you for your work
The issue with taking up most of the screen is … that it’s not easily done. There are several “regions” on the screen that are constrained to a specific size so they don’t overlap others. Even on my large vertical screen, I can’t display a full 24 hour list. I’m flirting with the idea of limiting it to 12 hours (say 7am to 7pm) but that’s still stuff to just play with. As I said, this isn’t anywhere near even a test phase.
Writing this code is not for the faint of heart. I will put out this warning: this may or may not result in the final piece. And the reason I say this is simply because of how difficult it is to deal with the various overlays. I may end up scrapping this idea completely and go for a different solution that may or may not end up looking similar. (Yes I’m aware that the time starts at midnight … the actual element takes up the whole screen, it’s been pushed down and ‘height restricted’.)
And I seriously can not fathom that this thread has almost 1,000 views. Sheesh guys … you’re making me giddy. :)
Looks very Nice, but I think this will fill my Screen a bit to much.
Maybe there is also 1 Step back and then with numbers under the title “starttime - endtime”?
Fill as it too wide? It’s merely following the regions defined within MM. Or do you mean height? At the moment it’s restricted. I can’t follow the regions there because otherwise there’s very little that can fit. So it’s an overlay “on top” of everything else and then I forcibly restrict the height. It’s not a perfect solution and it’s only being done to get the layout right.
As for a ‘step back’, I’m not sure what you mean. You mean going back to what I posted yesterday? Yeah that code didn’t go away (I never get rid of code that way). This right here is literally an exercise. I wanted to see what it would take, how much and whether it can be done. I also needed a hair cut, and this helped with me pulling my hair out at times. :)
@Wilco89 yeah, it seems to take up too much real estate on screen.
So a lot of the reflection will be the calendar.
Must be hard to work with he regions available though