Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@bkeyport Good! Always neat to try it on your own. I’ve seen and learned a lot from different MM devs. I’ve made changes to mine to show a “No scores to display” message if there are NO sports to display at all. All you need to do, if you use my fork is to add showNoSportsText: true in the config for the module. git pull of course too :) I do agree with @j-e-f-f, to try to keep the module as small as possible.
@vinp But that’s the fun of doing this…you get to build something that you want as a user. Generally speaking most developers don’t mind helping you if you ask…others not so much LOL
I try to help people with my modules but in all honesty I’m not going to completely rewrite something for one person… doesn’t make sense to do that. BUT yes I have had people do a fork then I help them get what they need for their own personal mirror :)
That’s the entire reason for the “MagicMirror project”… some people see “MagicMirror” but forget the word ‘project’ LOL I have told people that this is the project you want as it offers so many options, way more than the others.
Cool, Thanks, Vince - I’ve merged your updates into my fork, and I’m playing with it now. Thinking about playing around with the other (what I would consider) improvement cases I wanna do, having two or three modules to show scoreboards that are all different does irritate me to no end… :)
FWIW, I seem to have a legit bug - the group “Pac-12” seems to go random on teams in NCAAF. (using my fork of VinP’s fork of the module), I’ve overridden it by putting all the teams in individually for now.
Vince, Your mod works perfectly - once I undo mine.
Thanks for the head start to see how it’s modified. Will be fun to learn.
Happens from time to time. I just turned off the logos…