Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Assistantmk2 and MMM-Hotword not picking up
ejay-ibm Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by ejay-ibm Mar 4, 2019, 2:58 PM Mar 4, 2019, 2:58 PM
I agree with Sam :
You need to remove the space at both places.
1st in MMM-AssistantMk2module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_bar", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1,0",
And as well in
module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { record: { recordProgram : "arecord", device : "plughw:1,0",
If that still doesn’t work try just :
plughw:1As well you should check in the audio properties that your mic have enough gain.
you can check this by typing
in command linehope this helps
@ejay-ibm also is there anyway to change the gain or whatever? I went to alsamixer and went to the capture section and the bar doesn’t move or anything when I speak into my mic. Not sure if anything is supposed to happen but it says both L and R capture are the 100, not sure what that means.
@ejay-ibm I also changed it so the sauce wasn’t there and I made it so it said plughw:1 in all of them, but still nothing
This is my MMM-Hotword config.js part :
{ module: "MMM-Hotword", config: { snowboy: [ /* { "hotwords": "smartmirror", "file": "resources/models/smart_mirror.umdl", "sensitivity": "0.5" }, */ { hotwords: "alexa", file: "resources/models/alexa.umdl", sensitivity: "0.6" }, { file: "resources/models/jarvis.umdl", sensitivity: "0.6,0.60", hotwords: ["jarvis", "jarvis"] } ], record: { sampleRate: 16000, threshold: 0.5, thresholdStart: null, thresholdEnd: null, silence: 1, verbose: false, recordProgram: "arecord", device: "plughw:1" }, autostart: true, autorestart: true, notifications: { PAUSE: "HOTWORD_PAUSE", RESUME: "HOTWORD_RESUME", LISTENING: "HOTWORD_LISTENING", SLEEPING: "HOTWORD_SLEEPING", ERROR: "HOTWORD_ERROR" }, onDetected: { notification: function(payload) { return "ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE"; }, payload: function(payload) { return { profile: payload.hotword }; } } } },
You can give it a try .
@jmartin1009 but, that explains no response from the modules!
@ejay-ibm that is for the MM config.js right? Or is that what you have in the MMM-Hotword.js config file?
@sdetweil What explains no response from the modules? My mic’s gain in alsamixer? if so how can i fix that? Or should i just get a new mic
@jmartin1009 i would get a new mic… clearly this one is having issues… is that the array?
@sdetweil yeah it’s the PS3 eye camera microphone, it has a 4 microphone array that alsamixer hates lol