Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Complete Walkthrough - Install MagicMirror on a PC - Windows 7/10
Well done, mate. :thumbsup:
@mykle1 FYI
Meanwhile I found the problem of port 8080, due to some malware on that PC, the proxi settings where modified, only option was to re-install OS. Lucky I had some backup so that didn’t took so long.
Now proxi settings are no longer hi-jacked and I can run MM normally.
Problem solved! -
Ahh, Windows. I no longer use it for MM. I’m strictly a ubuntu 16.04 LTS guy now.
Hi. quick question. the MM work with the basic modules. as soon as i try to install a 3rd party module i have a syntax error. Checked and rechecked the code and there is no error. is there special thing to add code thant im not aware of
@sdetweil Thank you sir. All is good now.
Other question.
is there a way to acces to mirror server from another device ( like the rpi does)
i have withelisted all ip. and cant seem to connect. i have created rules in the windows firewall and router and still nothing.
instead og localhost if i enter i only have a black screen.
is this possible . im building a smaller mirror and would like to connnect to the mirror that i already have running.
forgot to mention that i can acces the server from chrome on the cpu thats running the mirror
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Mar 23, 2019, 8:59 PM Mar 23, 2019, 8:59 PM
@djniuss said in Complete Walkthrough - Install MagicMirror on a PC - Windows 7/10:
instead og localhost if i enter i only have a black screen.
When you try, is it in quotes?
address: "", // "localhost", port: 8080, ipWhitelist: [], language: "en", timeFormat: 12, units: "imperial",
yes its in quote.