Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-DarkSkyForecast - Yet ANOTHER weather module
is this s new install?
yes its a fresh install. Its the first 3rd party module i´ve installed.
@Ore77 and the path is
right? u need to be in /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules before you do the git clone
@Ore77 did u get it solved?
@sdetweil i considered the path´s in my configuration. Nevertheless after a second install of raspbian it suddenly worked.
I installed all updates of raspbian before i got over to MagicMirror this time.
Maybe it has something to do with that. -
@Ore77 no idea… glad u got it fixed… can u mark your issue solved
Hey guys,
I too am trying to solve the “Loading…” problem. I’ve tried a number of things but the most telling clue I have is that dark sky doesn’t register any api use for my key. I’ve tried resetting the key, no difference. No errors show up in the dev tool. Does anyone see any problems with my config?{ module: "MMM-DarkSkyForecast", header: "Weather", classes: "default everyone", disabled: false, position: "top_right", config: { apikey: "**************", latitude: "**.******", longitude: "-**.******", iconset: "2m", forecastLayout: "table" } },
@humdinger44 longitude should have - you have _ that could be it
@motdog Thanks, I double checked that but it is the negative sign “-”