Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Distance between two modules
Unfortunately it did not work, Mykle.
I tried values from 10-150.
The only thing that happened was that Noaa3 and Football Leagues both were placed lower but still the header of Football Leagues is mixed up with the text of Noaa3.
Peter -
Maybe the other way around works…
margin-bottom: 50px;
}Can you post your custom.css? Maybe it interferes with this in some way.
I assume you changed the name of the module in the example I gave you?
needs to be changed to the sports module name that you are using -
@retroflex: this partely solved my problem: there is an extra empty line between the modules now: good thing.
But the headers are still mixed up: bad thing, I think I just remove the header.
@Mykle: sure I changed the name !!! -
@Peter We need to see your custom.css if we will have any chance at all to help you.