Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-Remote-Control] Can not access remote control module
Thanks for help. fixed that 2 parts. Now no error for config but site still cant be reached :/
no idea anymore or tips? :(
@Mr-Gysy sorry, unclear on error you are seeing
changed something, now webpage shows: my connection has been rejected?
@Mr-Gysy so, steps to debug
from another system can u access the mirror itself
if no, then either firewall, or mirror config prevents.
address: or whitelist or bothif address is localhost, then ONLY apps on the SAME PHYSICAL system can access
if address is, then apps can access from any network connection
if address is something else, some specific ip, then apps can only access server thru the hardware adapter that provdes that address. think if u had two network cards, and wanted to restrict access to only one of those cards…now, once you’ve got that
we go to whitelist
now you can constrain access to specific systems on that netwokr, or groups of systems by address range (or applied mask)so, to start I’d do address: “” and whitelist :[],
means any system from any networkcan u access the mirror app
now can u access the remotecontrol app insde the mirror?
adress is set on
and whitelist []on pi itself same from browser : rejected the connection
@Mr-Gysy said in [MMM-Remote-Control] Can not access remote control module:
need the port too (thats the default port)
@Mr-Gysy remove after the port. Let’s make sure default works