A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
  • MMM-MQTTScreenOnOff - alternative to PIR

    about 2 hours ago
    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @olex.s great, thanks
  • Updated MMM-Dynamic-Modules

    24 days ago
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    If anyone’s interested I updated MMM-Dynamic-Modules and added some functionality. Orginal module by Toreke (https://github.com/Toreke/) Magic Mirror² Module: MMM-Dynamic-Modules MMM-Dynamic-Modules moves modules without need to restart Magic Mirror. Module also allows to hide or show modules. Module has method to change configured positions back. Can also dynamically adjust based on screen orientation and update based on notifications received that aren’t sent specifically to the module. Example These use the same config file and only minimal changes to CSS for landscape. My primary screen that’s on all the time is in portrait. The clock and MMM-BMW-PW was shifted from top_bar to upper_third. The newsfeed was moved from bottom_left to bottom_bar. MMM-News-QR was moved from bottom_right to bottom_bar. More drastic maneuvirng can be accomplished by incorporating CSS changes like the example posted here https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/13197/change-the-regions-positions PORTRAIT: [image: 1740962110869-screenshot-portrait-resized.png] LANDSCAPE: [image: 1740962120685-screenshot-landscape-resized.png] Installation cd ~/MagicMirror/modules git clone https://github.com/gonzonia/MMM-Dynamic-Modules.git Config The entry in config.js can include the following options: Option | Description swapOrientation | true or false, whether to move modules based on the screen orientation LandscapeConfig | JSON string for moving/hiding when in landscape PortraitConfig | JSON string for moving/hiding when in portrait UpdateNotifications | List of notifications that will trigger the update based on orientation. (Will always include the system, "DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED") { module: "MMM-Dynamic-Modules", classes: 'SceneFamily SceneSam', config: { swapOrientation: true, LandscapeConfig: '{"newsfeed":{"position": "bottom_bar","visible": true},"MMM-News-QR":{"position":"bottom_bar"},"MMM-BMW-PW":{"position":"upper_third"},"clock":{"position": "upper_third"}}', UpdateNotifications:"NEWS_FEED_UPDATE" }, }, How to use Module can be used by sending an change notification with a payload: this.sendNotification('CHANGE_POSITIONS', modules = { 'clock':{ visible: 'true', position: 'top_right', }, 'MMM-WeeklySchedule':{ visible: 'true', position: 'top_left', }, 'MMM-AirQuality':{ visible: 'true', position: 'bottom_bar', } } ); Sending a notification to reset to positions according to your config: this.sendNotification(CHANGE_POSITIONS_DEFAULTS); OR move based on orientation the Config passed to LanscapeConfig or PortraitConfig must be valid JSON in a format like the one below. The slightest typo and it won’t work. swapOrientation: true, LandscapeConfig: '{"newsfeed":{"position": "bottom_bar","visible": true},"MMM-News-QR":{"position":"bottom_bar"},"MMM-BMW-PW":{"position":"upper_third"},"clock":{"position": "upper_third"}}', Order of the modules matters. If there is multiple modules in the same position, first module will be top, second module under it, and so on. If multiple instances of a module are being used, they will ALL be moved or hidden. Tips: Best when used in conjunction with CSS. Use @media (orientation: landscape) { } and @media (orientation: portrait) { } to create stylesheets for specific screen orientations. You can also add and (max-width: 3840px) to either one if you want to create something that is for 4K. This would come in handy if say your main mirror is 1080p but you want to have a separate browser somewhere else showing the mirror on a TV or higher resolution monitor.
  • 0 Votes
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    @Ottosophie see https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/19362/googleassistant-and-related-modules
  • MMM-Pir alternative for bookworm

    Feb 7, 2025, 5:39 PM
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    @Muffex awesome! your prior post wasn’t clear to me
  • MMM-Scenes2

    Oct 5, 2023, 2:12 PM
    2 Votes
    23 Posts
    @sdetweil Thanks, it works.
  • 1 Votes
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    @plainbroke well, mine looks nearly identical… just missing the cwd… I opened an issue about this 2 years ago, never got a response… and adding cwd (current working directory) I don’t know how that matters… but whatever… it works now…
  • 0 Votes
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    Re: MMM-AutoDimmer It looks like it doesn’t dim my entire screen. It looks like an Inverse letterbox so to speak. Anyone else having this problem?
  • 2 Votes
    10 Posts
    @reverendz this is NOT a config.js set of code. from the module readme The keyboard works with MagicMirror’s notification system. You can broadcast notifications from ====>another module<===== using the following parameters this.sendNotification("KEYBOARD", { key: "uniqueKey", style: "default", data: {}, }); and in the parms swype boolean false Activate swipe mode (experimental!) (not implemented yet) alwaysShow boolean false Always show keyboard. (not implemented yet) note, NOT IMPLEMENTED YET so, you SOME other module to invoke the notification maybe command to notification ( so you could do it from a terminal window/ssh session) see the third party list (linked in the header above) and put notification in the search field there are a lot to choose from
  • MagicMirror regions

    Jul 3, 2024, 4:06 PM
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    @DanClarkCBET3 for the next release I have submitted a pull request to detect the regions used in index.html instead of hard coded…
  • MMM-Hotword2

    Jul 10, 2024, 11:02 PM
    2 Votes
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    MMM-Hotword2 MagicMirror module withPicovoice’s Porcupine for Hotword detector. My previous MMM-Hotword module is deprecated due to that snowboy hot-word detecting engine closed its service. Fortunately, PICOVOICE’s Porcupine and its siblings would be good enough alternative. So I rebuilt the hot-word detector again. I know, there is other Porcupine modules already, but they may lack some features which I need to use. So I revamped my old one for my demands. [image: screenshot.png] Features Multi Hotwords/ Custom Hotwords supported Individual Hotword setting On detection, various works possible; Control other modules with custom notification Execute Shell command or scripts and get the result. Not only hotword, but also continuous utterance could be acauired.(as recorded wav file) The recorded file could be consumed on other STT / voice handling modules No need to rebuild for electron For more details; https://github.com/MMRIZE/MMM-Hotword2
  • MMM-Bash

    Jun 14, 2024, 12:38 AM
    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    @draxiom Nice! Don’t forget to add it to the modules list: https://github.com/MagicMirrorOrg/MagicMirror/wiki/3rd-party-modules :-)
  • 3 Votes
    5 Posts
    @Jalibu thanks, I will try that. Peter
  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @sdetweil said in Default Calendar Module not showing some recurring events.: npm install node-ical@0.16.1 That did the trick, been scratching my head for a while. Thanks!
  • MMM-Keyboard

    Mar 11, 2024, 2:25 PM
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    Re: MMM-Keyboard (a virtual touch keyboard) thanks I’ll try
  • MMM-AlertExt

    Mar 1, 2024, 10:47 AM
    1 Votes
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    MMM-AlertExt Alternative alert module for MagicMirror Demo [image: 0.jpg] Click to Youtube Why? I need a more decorated alert feature than the current default alert module. Not only SHOW_ALERT, I want to see more various notifications and messages on the screen. (e.g. Log.log(), UnhandledExceptionError, CALENDAR_UPDATED notifications…) I made this module for a kind of shared programmable output-presenter of some modules. https://github.com/MMRIZE/MMM-AlertExt
  • MMM-AutoDimmer

    Apr 19, 2023, 6:28 PM
    3 Votes
    7 Posts
    @Fifteen15Studios great thought on the Friday schedule carrying over. I’ve adjusted tat. It seemed to brighten both weekend mornings, but my kiddos did have me up early and distracted, so I will have to test it more. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • 2 Votes
    2 Posts
    Nice! :smiley: Please add it to the modules list: https://github.com/MagicMirrorOrg/MagicMirror/wiki/3rd-party-modules.
  • 0 Votes
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    @davismorehead garbage message. real error is above that
  • MMM-NewsAPI after MM2.25.0 update

    Oct 10, 2023, 7:16 PM
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    @mumblebaj all I can say is the ‘manual fix’ worked… don’t know why
  • update

    Oct 5, 2023, 4:39 AM
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    @pat59 Or just remove “updatenotification” module from config. Trust me, it would be better.