Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Wunderlist - your todos on the mirror
@carteblanche I’ve moved all my tasks to the inbox and tried using that. Still cant get a list to show. Other todo modules have worked immediately though so I may have to just switch over to one of them.
@SexyTrogg You don’t need any of the tasks to be in the Inbox folder. You just need to create a new custom list of your todos separate from the auto generated folders that Wunderlist creates and call that list name out in the module config file.
See a screenshot of my lists here…I can have either Work or Family show up on my mirror if I choose those names in the config file. But be careful it is case sensitive.
My set up is as follows:
module: 'MMM-Wunderlist', position: 'top_left', header: 'Get this ish done', config: { accesToken: '----', clientID: '----', lists: ["Sports","Work"], interval: 60, fade: true }
Everything looks like it should work for me but again still just the black screen. Raspberry Pi 3 with the newest Wunderlist repo and updates.
@SexyTrogg you have a typo on “accessToken:” in the config file.
@carteblanche bah sorry that was a typo in the post not in my config :S
@SexyTrogg damn…ok i assume you double checked your access token and client ID in the config match up perfectly with what you received from Wunderlist? Other than that I can’t think of any other reason why it wouldn’t show the lists.
@pugsly Thanks for the suggestion. I gave repulling the app a shot and am still having the same issue, after a certain amount of time wunderlist decides to stop updating. It does seem to be lasting longer so i changed my cron job to restart the pi once a day and increased the wunderlist update interval to 120. We shall see how that works.
@Sunburned Yeah i spoke too soon, the app is still not updating again after a few hours. I really don’t want to make a cron job and restart the mm. I think im going to give this one a try:
Knock on wood… the wunderlist has been updating without issue. I have the pi and MM applicaiton restarting once a day at 2am and the interval is set at 120.
Hey guys,
i have the following problem:
- header will be shown
- list is empty
- The code in line 42 always returns “undefined”
it looks to be the same problem Kukielka58 had.
Did someone find out where the problem could be?if i use:
curl -H “X-Access-Token: TOKEN” -H “X-Client-ID: ID” console returns: “{“unauthorized”: true}” but i have no idea why.
i hope someone can help me.
With best regards.