Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-AssistantMk2 (v3)
Thanks Sam. Sorry I was not aware of. Closed.
@sdetweil why the repository of MMM-AssistantMk2 deleted, is there something happened because I can’t find it anywhere>
it doesn’t work anymore, what’s the problem ? -
@ahmedalkabir It’s been replaced with MMM-GoogleAssistant
@JohnBachini oh, so MMM-GoogleAssitant is better than the older one?
Yes it seems to be , Bugsounet took over MMM-Assistantmk2 and then did his magic and turned it into GoogleAssistant 👍
Well, now as @Bugsounet closed his modules for MM and @Sean deleted the AssistantMk2 repo the MM users are left without Voice control. Great!
no one ask to you use my modules… try to code your own ;)
BUT If I close something … It’s for Made better !!!
SO wait and see (in a couple of day)
OR don’t use it ;)
IN ALL CASE: AMK2 have been totaly recoded (only sound)… and jsut after… deprecied.If you like only deprecied module or not maintened modules let make your choise in 3rd party module ! 90% of modules have not been maintened since +/- 2 years ;)
@Ivanov_d : for you information :
and @Sean deleted the AssistantMk2
It’s my module…
@Bugsounet How very childish.
And ? If you think that… you have right so ;)