Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to change the path of a picture in magicmirror , using MMM-imageSlideshow
Are you saying to run chrome and put fil://~ in url?
:) ? -
@emrhssla yes, just adding another way to verify that the file was changed… u reported it is ok…
@sdetweil When I click Refresh in Chrome, a picture that has been successfully changed appears.
Is there any way to restart a specific module?
@emrhssla i think this is a caching problem… the ‘file’ was already loaded…
see this discussion about adding a string to the end of the image filename to make it ‘unique’
thus not reading from cache
however, this will add a new image to be cached… eventually growing maybe beyond memory limits…
another way is to disable caching in electronin MagicMirror/js/electron.js
add this linefunction createWindow() { app.commandLine.appendSwitch('--disable-http-cache'); //< -------- added var electronOptionsDefaults = {
@sdetweil thank U!!