Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-GroveGesture dont work anoymore
everything went smoothly yesterday, but today he no longer reacts in MagicMirror.
But when I start the py file in the modules folder it shows me the gestures in the command line.
Except for a restart of the Pis, I have not changed in the config.
What could be the fault here?
/* Magic Mirror green 42 Zoll * By Michael Teeuw * MIT Licensed. * * For more information on how you can configure this file * See * */ var config = { address: "localhost", // Address to listen on, can be: // - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface // - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface // - "", "::" to listen on any interface // Default, when address config is left out or empty, is "localhost" port: 8080, ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses // or add a specific IPv4 of : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], // or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], useHttps: false, // Support HTTPS or not, default "false" will use HTTP httpsPrivateKey: "", // HTTPS private key path, only require when useHttps is true httpsCertificate: "", // HTTPS Certificate path, only require when useHttps is true language: "de", timeFormat: 24, units: "metric", // serverOnly: true/false/"local" , // local for armv6l processors, default // starts serveronly and then starts chrome browser // false, default for all NON-armv6l devices // true, force serveronly mode, because you want to.. no UI on this device modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar" }, { module: "MMM-Screencast", position: "middle_center", config: { position: "center", height: "300", width: "500" } }, { module: "clock", position: "top_left", config: { displayType: "digital", displaySeconds: "false", showWeek: "true", clockBold: "true" } }, { module: "calendar", header: "Termine", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check", url: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" } ] } }, { module: "MMM-DarkSkyForecast", header: "Wetter", position: "top_right", classes: "default everyone", disabled: false, config: { apikey: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", // Anmeldung bei darkskyforecast erforderlich latitude: "XXXXXXXX", // eingabe von Standortkoordinaten longitude: "XXXXXXXXX", iconset: "3c", concise: "true", //mehr oder weniger infos anzeigen lassen forecastLayout: "tiled", // tiled or table updateInterval: "10", showSummary: "false", label_days: ["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"], label_timeFormat: "k[h]", showWind: "false", language: "de" } }, { module: "MMM-pages", config: { modules: [ ["clock", "calendar", "MMM-DarkSkyForecast", "newsfeed"], ["MMM-Comics", "MMM-horoscope"], ["newsfeed"] ], fixed: ["alert", "clock", "updatenotification", "MMM-page-indicator", "MMM-GroveGestures"], } }, { module: "MMM-page-indicator", position: "bottom_bar", config: { pages: 3, } }, { module: "MMM-GroveGestures", position: "bottom_left", config: { autoStart: true, //When Mirror starts, recognition will start. verbose:true, // If set as `true`, useful messages will be logged. recognitionTimeout: 1000, //Gesture sequence will be ended after this time from last recognized gesture. cancelGesture: "WAVE", //If set, You can cancel gesture sequence with this gesture. visible: true, //Recognized gesture sequence will be displayed on position idleTimer: "0", // `0` for disable, After this time from last gesture, onIdle will be executed. defaultCommandSet: "DEFAULT_MODE", commandSet: { "DEFAULT_MODE": { "UP": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%+" // Erhöht die Lautsärke um 15% }, "DOWN": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%-" // verringert die Lautstärke um 15% }, "CLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 1" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi an. Monitor geht an }, "ANTICLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 0" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi aus. Monitor geht in Standby }, "LEFT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_DECREMENT", } }, "RIGHT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_INCREMENT", } }, }, "0": { "UP": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%+" // Erhöht die Lautsärke um 15% }, "DOWN": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%-" // verringert die Lautstärke um 15% }, "CLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 1" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi an. Monitor geht an }, "ANTICLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 0" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi aus. Monitor geht in Standby }, "LEFT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_DECREMENT", } }, "RIGHT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_INCREMENT", } }, }, "1": { "UP": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%+" // Erhöht die Lautsärke um 15% }, "DOWN": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%-" // verringert die Lautstärke um 15% }, "CLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 1" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi an. Monitor geht an }, "ANTICLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 0" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi aus. Monitor geht in Standby }, "LEFT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_DECREMENT", } }, "RIGHT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_INCREMENT", } }, }, "2": { "UP": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%+" // Erhöht die Lautsärke um 15% }, "DOWN": { shellExec: "amixer set Speaker -- 15%-" // verringert die Lautstärke um 15% }, "CLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 1" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi an. Monitor geht an }, "ANTICLOCKWISE": { shellExec: "vcgencmd display_power 0" // schaltet den HDMI Port am Pi aus. Monitor geht in Standby }, "LEFT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_DECREMENT", } }, "RIGHT": { notificationExec: { notification: "PAGE_INCREMENT", } }, } }, commandSetTrigger: { "DEFAULT_MODE": "DEFAULT_MODE", "PAGE_NUMBER_IS": (payload) => {return payload;} }, } }, { module: "MMM-NotificationTrigger", config: { useWebhook: false, triggers: [ { trigger: "PAGE_DECREMENT", fires: [ { fire: "QUERY_PAGE_NUMBER", } ] }, { trigger: "PAGE_INCREMENT", fires: [ { fire: "QUERY_PAGE_NUMBER", } ] } ] } }, { module: "MMM-horoscope", position: "top_right", config: { sign: "libra", } }, { module: "MMM-Comics", position: "Bottom_left", config: { comics: ["dilbert", "xkcd", "garfield", "peanuts", "calvin+hobbes"], updateInterval : 1000 * 60 * 30, coloredImage: true, maxWidth: 500, maxHeight: 500, timeForDaily: [6, 9], } }, { module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_center", config: { feeds: [ { title: "Tagesschau", url: "" } ], showSourceTitle: "true", showPublishDate: "true", showDescription: "true", lengthDescription: "400", //1-500 default is 400 updateInterval: "20000" //1000-60000 defalut is 10000 (10sek) } }, ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}
Okay, I found the bug myself. For me, the sensor only works when all modules are loaded.
@mrSnatz I can confirm your experience. Another bug is related to MMM-Remote. When I open MMM-Remote in a browser and change pages, MMM-GroveGesture stops and I need to reboot MM. I haven’t yet dug enough into this issue, but I will when I have some more time.
@Fozi good to know. The remote function is still on my todo list
@mrsnatz can you explain what you mean with “only works when all modules are loaded”?
Kannst du erklären, was du damit meinst?