Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
im an idiot, it was still commented out in the config.js thanks for your help, it works great!
@broberg Thanks for suggesting the Nav bar, i installed the module working great
Hello, i made the MM2 update and now i can’t access the admin
ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"],
I can’t insert my ip from my laptop.
I want to access MagicMirror from laptop with Admin-Interface, but it’s not possible now with this update.Where i have to insert my ip address in the white-list?
How to insert a range? -
Hi try putting your laptop’s up it the whitelist, it should probably by 192.168.X.X
You might also have to add
as well. You could also just add"192.168.X.1/24 , ::ffff:192.168.X.1/24"
to whitelist all of the IPs in your network (assuming you are using 192.168.X.1-254). -
I’m not sure what you mean, there should be a tab list with the modules names on the left like in this photo:
is this not the case? -
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@shimue search for ip whitelist on the forum, there plenty of threads
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