Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-PlexNowPlaying] - Display current song played by PlexMediaServer
Do you use Plex Media Server to stream
audiomedia? This module will display the song (new: or video) you are listening to. It behaves and looks exactly like the awesome MMM-Scrobbler, but shows the currently playing song your PMS instead of PMS actually can scrobble songs now to but sadly it doesn’t utilize the “now playing” feature. So I had to write this module :)It uses a lot of the same code but also uses a node_helper to do the request to the PMS API and then the XML parsing.
- If media is simultaneously playing from multiple clients, it currently just picks the first one it finds to show for space purposes.
- It will skip paused songs and videos.
- For now, playing songs will always override playing videos. This might become configurable.
- So far I have only tested this on a local PMS instance.
Refer to MMM-Scrobbler :)
Version 1.0
- Fresh module!
Version 1.1
- Add ability to display currently playing videos (experimental)
Hi, thanks for your module and your contribution to the community.
Could I ask you to look at this thread and update your posting according to the new guidelines? -
Thank you.
I am only watching videos. Despite i am a plex pass member i dont use the music library function.
Possible to show also videos ? -
@fox Sure, it should be readily possible to add video info. I won’t have time to check for a few days but I’ll look into it later for sure.
Keep in mind that the module is just displaying the metadata of the media that is currently playing on another client-- not playing it directly. So the main use would be if a person looking at the mirror wanted to see what someone elsewhere was viewing-- since you most likely wouldn’t be watching the video AND your mirror at the same time :)
@youse yes, this is clear. I want only to show what a player plays. That it does not directly play should be clear.
Thanks a lot for your efforts -
@fox You are quite welcome. I have hacked in video support now. Might be buggy, but works for me :)
Hi @youse, Thank you! Adding your module now. :)