Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My Bathroom Mirror
Last year i decided to start the project.
Now its finished. Maybe some extra modules but …its finished.The goal was i big mirror in the bathroom. It should look like a regular mirror an no PIR e.g. in sight and the outer frame should not be visible. It also should have background lights as well! So lets start.
I build a new frame, completly by myself. I did some woodwork in my workshop.!
I createt with the saw a bevel to fit the LED-Stripe. I also have some experience with Hyperion… so i tought… okay… its anice idea to use the leftover LEDs for this project (in the end… i had 3 LEDs over ;), 1872 pieces mountet).
Here you see the old mirror which was there for some time (i had this always in my mind). And do you see the Alexa? I didnt want to see Alexa anymore but want to hera the music.To mount it i decided to use a french cleat. Pretty easy to build, install and very reliable.
I didnt have nice Wifi… so i decided a few week ago to make some hole in the wall and install a LAN-cable and also a wall plug.
Then go for the paint jobs. I tried different things. Paintbrush, paint roll and spray can. With the brush and roller i had a lot of blobs in the surface, so i used the spray can. Not perfect… i want that glossy surface. But as an amateur- its okay. The color is RAL 7016. Same color like the closet.
I mounted a plywood in it an cut the monitor out. You already see the hanger from the french cleat an the monitor - 27" QHD! On top of the plywood i placed black paperboard.
First of all i brought for the mirror the Mirastar Chrome Spy. I was very brown and dark, so i brought an extra one from the forum from @Goldjunge_Chriz . Its okay…but still a bit dark.
Lets see the cables and stuff. Here is the nearly finished version. The cables für the LED-stripes are o the top.
After a time testing with the MagicMirror Alexa i realized that it pretty hard to get the microfone in a good quality and als that its no longer possible to stream music to non Alexa-devices. So i 3Dprinted a mounting for the Echo Dot 3.
The are 2 PSU- One 12V (the white one) for the Echo Dot to have a slim fit in back and also a 5V for the LED stripe and the Raspberry Pi4. I also added a StepUp converter to have stable 5v for the RPI to prevent errors. You also see the PIR-Sensor case. Created and 3D printed by myself.
I also created a smal bracket to hold the RPI in place. But noch back-picture yet.I use the following modules with very small customisations:
Now to hyperion and smart home:
I also have an ioBroker instace with MQTT. I installed behind the regular double switch in the bathroom a Shelly in detached mode. So i get the information when the switch is pressed. The other switch is for the regular light. So i can switch the mirror on/of (MMM-Remote-Control) with the switch…and also the backlight goes on/off with a small effect.When the PIR is starting -> MQTT-Message -> Knight rider effect starts for 10 Seconds. Just for fun and because its possible ;)
Last but not least- when motion in the camera is detected- the videostream from MMM-Motioneye is displayed automatically for 1 minute (when i brush my teeth… i see before when the doorbell rings.
I hope you like it. Feel free to ask.
@oberfragger I think it looks great… nice job… well done…
Nice, looks good
Hi, can you put here the config from your mmm-pages please.
Hi does the Globe update …for me the module does not update automatically only when I restart the mirror .
Pretty cool.
I am working on a similar bath mirror project and will definitely test some of the modules you are using.
Maybe for some inspiration here are the modules I am currently using besides clock, calendar and newsfeed:
MMM-GroveGestures -
@kusselin sure. My MMM_page config:
{ module: 'MMM-pages', disabled: false, config: { modules: [ [ 'newsfeed', 'MMM-OpenWeatherForecast', 'calendar', 'calendar_monthly', 'MMM-WiFiPassword' ], [ 'compliments', 'MMM-Globe', 'MMM-DWD-Pollen', 'MMM-DWD-WarnWeather', 'MMM-WeatherChart', 'MMM-OpenmapWeather', 'MMM-SystemStats', 'weatherforecast', ] ], fixed: [ 'updatenotification', 'MMM-page-indicator', 'alert', 'clock', 'MMM-MotionEye', 'MMM-GoogleBirthdaysProvider', 'MMM-NewPIR', 'MMM-UserPresenceToMQTT', 'MMM-Remote-Control' ], animationTime: 2500, rotationTime: 60000 } },
@Stoffbeuteluwe Yes. It updates. But i use pages do i have a refresh every 2 minutes. Maybe thats the key
@oberfragger nice. So can you read everything when it gets fogged up?
@digidadbod We dont have any fog inside the bathroom. Only the window gets foggy sometimes.
The bathroom is always warm enoug and so the mirror too. We have floor heating. Maybei thats why… -
@oberfragger Congrats to your wonderful built! It’s very impressive how much effort you put into that! Wished I had knew a few years earlier about MM…that would have saved me lots of discussion with my better half about which mirror should have been installed in our new bathroom. :grinning_face_with_sweat: