Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@MarNog Multiple instances of the calendar module. One with position in place for the ones you want to show with the default module, one without a position for the ones you want to display with CX3A.
Interesting. You might have added some custom CSS, so hard to guess what happened at the moment.
I think the area for time displaying is not so wide enough. Give them more space.Currently, the hyphen and startTime/endTime condition is defined like this.
/* MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.css line 187 */ .CX3A .event .time { font-size: 75%; vertical-align: text-bottom; } .CX3A .event .time.notInDay { display: none; } .CX3A .event .startTime::after { content: ' -'; } .CX3A .event .startTime.notInDay + .endTime.inDay::before { content: '- '; }
@BKeyport I added another instance of the Calendar module and it worked like charm. Thank you.
@MMRIZE I had used a custom.css from someone’s post and I modified the font size. After your suggestion I changed the width on the custom.css and the time is showing correctly now. Thank you
@MMRIZE I really like your modules! I tried to setup the Ext3Agenda, but with no success.
Can you share the part of the config file to show the Agenda for a couple of days with the scheduled meetings?
In many cases; ppl might have missed/made wrong to the default calendar setting.
Show me your config for default calendars module and CX3A instead. -
I have two instances of MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda showing with different calendar sets.
For one set it shows data for 4 days, with all days populated.
For the other one, it shows 4 days but the last day isn’t populated. If I increase the endDayIndex by 1 it will add a 5th day and day 4 will be populated but the 5th day will not, so I know the data is there.
Any ideas what would cause this?
Working instance 1:{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda", position: "top_right", classes: "SceneFamily", header: "Upcoming Family Calendar", config: { instanceId: "FamilyAgenda", locale: 'en-US', firstDayOfWeek: 1, startDayIndex: 0, endDayIndex: 3, showMiniMonthCalendar: false, useSymbol: true, calendarSet: ['Dad', 'Mom', 'Kid1', 'Kid2', 'Work1', 'Work22, 'Home'], } }
Missing Data Instance 2
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda", position: "top_left", classes: "SceneFamily SceneKids", header: "Chores", config: { instanceId: "Chores", locale: 'en-US', firstDayOfWeek: 1, startDayIndex: 0, endDayIndex: 3, showMiniMonthCalendar: false, useSymbol: true, calendarSet: ['Dad Chores', 'Kid Chores', 'Mom Chores'], } },
I apologize for what I’m sure is a bonehead question… I had a stock calendar module to show events from one calendar (and a second, hidden instance of calendar) but when I tried to implement pages (MMM-Pages), it was loading the hidden calendar along with the non-hidden one.
So I thought I’d try CalExt3Ag to replace the visible calendar. The problem is, I want it to look like the stock calendar:
but the best I could get is this:
Is it possible to get a much simplified listing (one line per event, relative dates) of events using CalExt3Ag?
About the look of the module to mimic the original calendar module;
Sorry, it can’t. This module is an alternative view of your events listing, not a replacement. If you need only the same look as the original calendar, just use the original. -
About the working with MMM-Pages.
is a good, reliable module, though it doesn’t consider the multi-instance of the module. So when you need multi-instances and want to show/hide on different pages, it cannot work as expected. Try other paging/screen control module. (e.g. I recommendMMM-Scenes2
with shame.)
Click to see the DEMO
My mistake. You can assign class name in MMM-Pages settings. (Thanks @sdetweil )