Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
2.29.0 Weather Module w/api v3.0 works, sort of…
@Peter - Unfortunately, not yet. I’m wondering if anyone has been able to using the 3.0 API!
I got it working and think there are a few tricky typos in your config.
module: “weather”, position: “top_center”, config: { weatherProvider: “openweathermap”, type: “current:, weatherEndpoint: ‘/onecall’, lat: ‘34.17188’. lon: ‘-84.57056’, apiVersion: ‘3.0’, apiKey: 'nunya”
Line 5: closing quotation marks are missing
Line 7: point as line ending instead of comma
Line 10: wrong quotation markYour config entry type is from line 5 - 10.
@HeikoGr does it show country and city in the header?
Peter -
@Peter no, unfortunately not
@HeikoGr what does it show in the header?
And do you see the right weather for your location?
Peter -
@Peter it shows the timezone „EUROPE/BERLIN“, but the weather is correct.
@HeikoGr can you share your config?
Without the key and only the weatherpart.
Peter -
@Peter of course
{ disabled: false, module: "weather", position: "top_right", config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information. weatherProvider: 'openweathermap', weatherEndpoint: '/onecall', apiKey: 'apikey', apiVersion: '3.0', lat: '50.465', lon: '9.481', type: 'forecast', colored: true, fade: false, maxNumberOfDays: 3, degreeLabel: 'true', showWindDirectionAsArrow: 'true', decimalSymbol: ',' } },
@HeikoGr thanks.
I will try tomorrow.
I will let you know!
Peter -
@HeikoGr - so as it was said before, we’re not going to see our city the way we did under v2.5 of the API. That’s going to likely need a response from the MM2 dev team because if /open call is used, it’s timezone/city only. It seems api 3.0 broke the location/locationID functionality when using “current” or “forecast”. Or did someone else get it to work?