Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My display so far...
OK Here’s my first crack at this. I’ve forked mrx-work-traffic to make MMM-MyCommute.
Will work on the others soon.
Awesome! Do you plan on making a module for the Sports Scores? If not, can you PM me the files?
@ring23 I actually plan on making a new sports module that combines all the sports into one.
@ring23 There are already several…
Here’s my calendar app. Configuration is identical to the default calendar app. if you clone this, then change your calendar config to MMM-MyCalendar, it should just work.
I should mention that I have a few rules in my custom CSS that apply to all modules. You won’t get my exact same visual style with just these modules alone. Add whichever rules you want from those below into your custom.css file:
/* Limit the width of the left and right columns to 300px */ .region.right .module-content, .region.left .module-content { max-width: 300px; } /* Increase vertical spacing of text in table cells */ table td { line-height: 1.75; } /* Allows styling of row elements in tables. You need this for the next rule */ table.small { border-collapse:collapse; } /* Add an underline to table rows - also requires the rule above this one */ table tr { border-bottom: solid 1px #222; } /* blue colour styling for module headers */ .module-header { color: #82bae5; border-bottom-color: #82bae5; font-size: 15.5px; font-family: "Roboto"; }
Here’s my Nest module
Note that I have no idea what this looks like with multiple thermostats, as I only have one in my home. Nor have I tested list mode. Kind of defeats the purpose of why I modified this module.
The last two – Sonos and Scoreboard – need a bit more work before I can release them. Will work on those over the next week or so. Meanwhile, enjoy, and let me know if something doesn’t seem quite right.
I’m using your MMM-MyWeather module and it’s great. My problem is that I want to add another module to display the weather from two different cities. If I duplicate the entry in the config file, it does show two modules but the data is identical in both even though I changed the PWS ID. I even tried a different apikey for each but that didn’t work either. Is there any fix for this? Thanks.