Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Canterrain no that is correct. ;)
Well dang. I’m doing something wrong here. Whether I use the helper config or the tool above, I get a broken error page.And I know an error page is expected, but it’s not a long url with a code in it.
It’s like… that’s it.
Was the right choice “device with alexa built in” and “no companion app” ? I figure I must have done something wrong on the Amazon developer page, since that’s the part with no guide and it’s working for other people.
So does anyone actually have a step by step directions on how to set this up? Sorry i’m a huge noob, and I’m lost (which is probably due to the noob part). I do understand this is a difficult set up, but i’m kind of hoping there might be a detailed guide on this or even a youtube video (including how Amazon Developer should be set up).
I’m able to get to the auth request as most people, and I get the error: We’re sorry!
An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we’re already working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly.I understand this could either by my settings, or something on the amazon side, but has anyone gotten past this recently? Or is there another module I should be using?
This post is deleted! -
@dolanmiu i am done install this, havet test it yet,
but i got the code for config.jsBut i allso got this:
Full response from Amazon
{ "_body": "{\"error_description\":\"Client authentication failed\",\"error\":\"invalid_client\"}", "status": 401, "ok": false, "statusText": "Unauthorized", "headers": { "pragma": [ "no-cache" ], "date": [ "Mon", " 12 Aug 2019 08:06:35 GMT" ], "x-amzn-errortype": [ "OA2InvalidClientException:" ], "x-amzn-requestid": [ "sdsdfgergegegege0e" ], "content-type": [ "application/json;charset=UTF-8" ], "cache-control": [ "no-cache", " no-store", " must-revalidate" ], "content-length": [ "85" ] }, "type": 2, "url": "" }```` Do i need to do anything with this? or what does this go, and what does i do? Regards
First I’ve to say awesome work @dolanmiu ! I’ve installed as described in your documentation. For auto start I’m still using PM2 with the script and can’t get the wake word to trigger. ALSA ist configured and recording. Any ideas what could be the problem? Do I have to get rid completely of PM2? Many thanks in advance for your help!
Can you please add the wake word “Mirror Mirror On The Wall”?
what mic are people using, i have this: USB MIC
but cant get it to work so looking for a new one -
@Canterrain said in MMM-awesome-alexa:
Well dang. I’m doing something wrong here. Whether I use the helper config or the tool above, I get a broken error page.And I know an error page is expected, but it’s not a long url with a code in it.
It’s like… that’s it.
Was the right choice “device with alexa built in” and “no companion app” ? I figure I must have done something wrong on the Amazon developer page, since that’s the part with no guide and it’s working for other people.
did you get it working. I am stuck at the same spot.Thanks
@berne No, its just telling you what the amazon site is doing, you only need the top portion.