Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
so i need to pay for the google API or why do they want to know my creditcard or bankaccount…?
@kecko Google changed the rules. As long as you are under a certain number of request, the. It’s still free. But if you go above that then you’ll automatically be billed. It used to be that you’d just get cut off at the threshold. I don’t remember exactly what the threshold is but I’m sure a quick search will turn it up.
@j-e-f-f allright thanks for the info!
Hi, thanks for the Module but i have a Problem with.
I have add 4 Stations and sometime the Modul works for 2 Stations.
But after 10 min i got a red Error on the working stations.Whats the Problem?
@Kecko @j-e-f-f
Each To->From request costs 1 transaction query. In my case, I have 3 copies of the module, with 3, 2, and 1 lookup respectively, giving me 6 queries every time the module refreshes (which is every 10 minutes).
Note that Google gives $200 free credits per month for the Developer API’s. See this link for more details
If I’m reading it right, then based on the above you’d need to have 20,000 queries per month to exceed the free credits. Based on my usage, I’ll have around 26,000 per month (36 queries per hour * 24 hours * 30 days), so I’ll probably reduce the number of queries to get under the limit.
What is the error code for it ? If it’s 403, then check your login credentials.
Also what does “pm2 log” show from the command prompt ? That can give some indication of the issue.
I got the 403 error. I need to logon on the Pi? for the Module ?
I dont understand that i got error 403 and 200 on same time.
First way is error 403
Second way is 200 and its show me the Data. -
@bob said in MMM-MyCommute:
What is the error code for it ? If it’s 403, then check your login credentials.
Also what does “pm2 log” show from the command prompt ? That can give some indication of the issue.Okay it say me the daily request have exceeded. but its only 1 request for a day?
i need a activate billing account?Thanks
hi … I have a premium key made up of Client ID: and Crypto Key:
can I use it for this module? if so how should I insert them in the config? thank you