Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-uber and MMM-lyft
I completely deleted the uber module folder and reinstalled. That fixed it. I could have sworn I tried that, but it worked just now.
Hi all. Is this still working?
I installed the module as directed and added the module to config. I moved some stuff around to confirm it was actually affecting the mirror but the Uber module doesn’t appear no matter that I do.
In the past when I had an error the place holder would pop up but It’s loading just fine just not this module (Uber in particular).
Right after posting I figured it out. When you download/clone the git it has a -master at the end. In the config the module name is “mmm-uber” and as that wasn’t matching up to the folder in the modules folder (in case anyone else experiences this) it wasn’t coming up.
does the Uber and Lyft modules still work?