Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Looking for Beta-testers!
To improve and guarantee the quality of the
releases, it’s important that thedevelop
branch is thoroughly tested before it’s merged intomaster
. Because of this, I’m looking for beta testers that are willing to test thedevelop
branch before I release it as master.If you are interested, please subscribe to this topic so you will be notified if a new
version is ready to be tested.As we speak, a development version is ready to be tested. To switch to the development branch, please execute the following commands:
cd ~/MagicMirror git checkout --track origin/develop
If you run into any issues, please let me know.
Note: comments not related to testing (So asking help for issues that are not caused by a develop change) will be deleted to keep this post clean.
You mean I shouldn’t, by default, be living on the edge and always use the develop branch? :)
@KirAsh4 Yes, you should.
Seriously folks, we do need people to test out the develop code. It’s one thing for us to write code and push it up and only a select few test it, particularly those who have asked for that bit of code. We need the greater population to test as well. Something may be broken for others, or we may have inadvertently broken existing code and we won’t know.
So please, test the code, let us know what works, what doesn’t, what fails. It’s the only way we can find these bugs.
This would be a separate install, right?
hello guys,
just registered and quite new on the forum…
I really appreciate your work and i have already used the code to create my first prototype (with film at the moment waiting for a nice real mirror, i will try to post some photos).
I am using a 10.1 inch screen (ultra thin) with a PI3.
I will try to help you guys as a beta tester and if you want i would like also to discuss about new ideas.Kr
Pi -
@pigreco, feel free to post your ideas in the various sections they might pertain to, modules, core system, or a general topic.
Cool, I’m in, I like breaking things LOL :D
As a noob to the MM project I’m really fascinated by it and eager to start writing my own modules (though I keep finding modules that suit my purpose).
Hello guys,
i have tried to pass to development branch but i got this error
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.
AbortingI suppose that was due to my code change on the second colour of the analog clock in the module clock.js…i had just put the red colour #FF0000…i have retested with the @ #888888 one but still the same error…
A possible bug?