Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Electron CPU usage
@Reotch2 said in Electron CPU usage:
I keep getting the same issue as @EventHorizon but none of his fixes seem to work (sudo npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true) or (nom @latest -g).
I’m starting with a fresh STRETCH install, and get to step 9 (npm install && npm start) where I get the (types/node) fault.
Any ideas?Personally, I had some troubles with Stretch, so I went back to Jessie, July release I believe. I’m guessing that most are using Jessie as well. Also, I think that with an installation of MM 2.1.0 you get Electron 1.4.15 by default. That combination is what we have found to work best regarding the CPU usage issue.
sudo npm install electron@1.4.15
has worked for everyone. I don’t know why it wasn’t working for you. Perhaps there is something else going on there -
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Oct 2, 2017, 1:14 AM Oct 2, 2017, 12:47 AM
@loctruong96 said in Electron CPU usage:
it seems different people have different version of npm installed and you need the latest one.
With regards to this topic only, you do NOT need or want the latest version of npm.
You can also find the version of npm here MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/version
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@Mykle1 Agree, i was thinking the same thing. But some users are experiencing the problem where their npm failed to run install and start which i can only think of updating it which turned out to get it to work so far. I have also indicated a note in the install guide to have people aware of it.
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@cowboysdude said in Electron CPU usage:
my bathroom mirror is a pi and it’s updated and I’m not having any of these issues…
Would you please post your results, as everyone has above, for comparison? Raspbian version, MM version, Electron version and Pi version, and your nmon results
Yeah, many didn’t update npm and have no problem whatsoever, only two users reported having 404 problem and only 1 user tried to npm install npm@latest -g and it worked for him. I made a note in my guide up in the thread in regard of this issue.
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@loctruong96 said in Electron CPU usage:
I have also indicated a note in the install guide to have people aware of it.
Very good! Thanks!
Hello, here are some details on my configuration and the steps I’ve made to downgrade from 2.1.1 to MM 2.1.0 & electron 1.4.15. First, I use the following PI and OS
Pi 3 Model B, 1024MB RAM
Raspbian Stretch
pi@Infoboard:~ $ uname -a Linux Infoboard 4.9.41-v7+ #1023 SMP Tue Aug 8 16:00:15 BST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux
Downgrade MagicMirror from 2.1.1 to 2.1.0:
-rename of my MagicMirror folder to MagicMirrorSAVE
-download and unzip MM 2.1.0
-rename dir MagicMirror-2.1.0 to MagicMirror
-cd to MagicMirror
-npm install electron@1.4.15 # I didn’t install electron as a global package
-nano package.json
–> change electron version under dependencies to electron 1.4.15{ "name": "magicmirror", "version": "2.1.0", "description": "A modular interface for smart mirrors.", "main": "js/electron.js", "scripts": { "start": "electron js/electron.js" }, "repository": { "type": "git", ... "dependencies": { "electron": "1.4.15", "express": "^4.14.0", "express-ipfilter": "latest", "feedme": "latest", ....
now, install MagicMirror
-npm install
-copy your own modules from the MagicMirrorSAVE to the respective MM2.1.0 directory
-install necessary node modules for your own modules
Check the installed version of electronpi@Infoboard:~ $ more MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/version v1.4.15
run MM with ‘npm start’ and monitor the CPU usage with ‘top’
and the magic is there: 2 to 3 % CPU usage in case you are not running newsfeed or other modules with a lot of rendering stuff. If I include the newfeed modul CPU usage will increase up to 30%. So, I go without newsfeed!I hope that help some or the other.