Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Motion Detector
Thanks for your module, that’s a great idea to use the Pi camera for that.
I’ve tried your module and it looks like it does not work for me. My screen stay black even if i’m in the front of the camera, it is compatible with Paviro’s facial recognition module ?
@alexyak Same here, blank screen.
I notice that Chrome debugger complains that “Uncaught ReferenceError: MotionDetector is not defined” on this line in motiondetector.js:
var core = new MotionDetector.Core(function (detected) {
Something missing?
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
Sorry, guys, the problem should be fixed now. Just pull the latest.
@alexyak Thanks, works now!
Works for me too, thanks :)
Is there a way to wake up faster the screen ? On my RPI it tooks around 30 secondes to turn back on, i might have a configuration issue…
@plumcraft which RPI you have?
The latest, RPI 3.
@plumcraft strange, I’ve RPI 3 as well and I don’t see this problem … This may be related to which monitor/TV your RPI is connected.
I assume too that the behaviour is different between TV’s. On my LG the screen turns blue with a big message of lost signal on HDMI after 10 seconds after the screen turns off. Not so nice - but then again, nobody should be in the room anyway…? ;-)
I installed it… it turns off the monitor but won’t turn it back on… suggestions?