Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Todoist - Your todoist tasks on your mirror
@cowboysdude @strawberry-3-141 I switched to the Wunderlist module that this was based on and encountered the same issue, but I fixed it by generating a new token from the API.
Maybe that would work for Todoist as well.
@JoeSpencer Yes I did that with a weather module and that fixed that also… sometimes those things just happen :)
I had the same problem, I don’t know if you’ve solved it yet but for me it turned out to be some simple mistakes.
I thought I had followed the instructions to the letter, but actually at first I hadn’t cloned the module into the modules folder, just into the mirror folder. After cursing my own stupidity for that I carried on a while but still couldn’t get it working.
I tried the tip for generating a new access token but that wasn’t it. I then realised that when I cloned the module (into the correct folder!) I missed the small but vital step of navigating into the new folder before carrying out npm install.
I don’t know if any of you have made mistakes as daft as mine, but I finally got it working so thought I’d let you know.
Hope it helps someone!
I’m looking to add the reminder and priority level (with an icon) Has anyone did something like that with this module ?
in the fetcher i found where to add the var
for (var i = 0; i < JSON.parse(body).items.length; i++) { if (JSON.parse(body).items[i].project_id == listID) { items.push(JSON.parse(body).items[i].content); items.push(JSON.parse(body).items[i].priority); items.push(JSON.parse(body).items[i].due_date_utc);
but i dont know how to use the answer
Thanks for this module. Dropped Wunderlist in favor of this via Alexa integration.
@tidus5 This looks awesome - how did you implement? I just got my basic Todoist module running today
Im having some issues with this module. When I add items to my todoist - it appears in the module, but when I mark them as completed , or they are deleted - the items dont come off the module - unless I add a new item onto the list. At that point, they disappear, and the new item gets added.
Very odd.
Ive raised it as an issue here:
Any ideas why this might be?
@dinkybluebug245 hi i added this module , when i add a item with Alexa voice , it gets added to inbox i could not able to get lists: [ 1234567890 ] number from the url
@shashank click inbox instead of today