Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@tbbear when i add that line my code throws errors back at me? The code worked before regardless of what the name is…
Any suggestions thanks
@georgeashton02 As u can see the error is already marked… The name of your sitemap is MMM.sitemap so name it as MMM not ourhome
@tbbear No I understand this, as i said the name even when changed doesnt make a difference for some reason
@georgeashton02 I dont know why your check tthows an error cause i typed your sitemap and i could run it without any problems in openhab2.5
@tbbear That is very odd… what would you suggest i do?
@georgeashton02 use it!
@tbbear I used this sitemap, put the url for my sitemap in the config script and put that config script into the magic mirror config file. What other steps do i need to complete. Im sorry very confused my bad… Thanks
@tbbear Please tell me if I can use notifications to update my sitemaps in this module?
@Mrtrol2013 No, the update is done by Openhab