Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Complete Setup tutorial: npm command not found / unable to install dependencies
Ya the date time solved the https certificate issue. I also don’t know why we had to install npm manually and no one else did. Oh well, I’m sure this thread will help others👍 -
Honestly what I would do is format the SD card put the rasp img on the SD card then open a terminal window and do the
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
then go to installing the mirror via the install script.
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
I tried that several times and it didn´t work! My Raspberry is probably some sort of unique…
That’s interesting to say the least… did you try the manual install?
Of course I did. I tried the automatic and manual install with a formated SD card several times.
That´s the setup I´m using:
Raspberry Pi: Card:
Keyboard: keywords=logitech+K120
Power Source:
OS: 2016-05-27 raspbian jessie
Right now MM runs fine with the above mentioned commands. The only problem that remains is that the system clock of the Raspberry still doesn´t synchronize with the Internet. After using “sudo date -s “20 SEP 2016 20:37:00”” the system clock remains on the 20th of September, 22:26h. Hope I can fix that this weekend. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks.
Is ntp running? Is your firewall blocking it?
I finally got it running. It turned out that the sync.- problem is well known since May 2016.–>
- stopped the ntpd with :
sudo systemctl stop ntp
- rather than running ntpdate, ran ntpdate-debian:
sudo ntpdate-debian
- started ntpd
sudo systemctl start ntp
- check
sudo ntpq -p
Now I´m happy!!