Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
The readme says you can use an ID number from the site and enter that in city:. Go to the site and get the ID of the location you are looking for.
You can use city: “here”, for geolocation. It does work. I just tested it.
Have a wonderful Christmas!Da ich weiß, dass Du deutsch kannst und es mir ohne Google einfacher macht, mache ich es für dieses Mal so.
Die Lösung funktioniert, schade, der falsche Stadtbezirk. Laut meinen Geo- Daten sitze ich in “Berlin- Wedding”, aber ich bin näher an"Berlin- Friedrichshain ( dran.
Es muss doch ein Möglichkeit geben in der Config, dass ich mein bestimmten Standort habe:
city: “berlin/friedrichshain-frankfurter-allee”, // dass geht nicht:loudly_crying_face:
Danke trotzdem, für die Hilfe. Macht die Tage ruhiger und genießt das Fest mit eurer Familie.:smiling_face_with_halo:
The solution works, too bad, the wrong district.
The solution works, too bad, the wrong district. According to my geographic data I am in “Berlin-Wedding”, but I am closer to "Berlin- Friedrichshain (
There must be a way in the config that I have my specific location:
city: “berlin / friedrichshain-frankfurter-allee”, // that doesn’t work😭
According to my geographic data I am in “Berlin-Wedding”, but I am closer to "Berlin- Friedrichshain
Perhaps the closest station (to you) that collects the data for the API is “Berlin-Wedding”. The same thing applies to weather API’s. Not every location has a station. The API likely chooses the closest one to your location.
Does Berlin- Friedrichshain have an ID number from the site?
Dude, you’re only talking about 10.3 km difference.
I’m not picky, but the two boroughs have a completely different traffic. (Not now.)
It’s a difference like “Manhattan” and “Staten Island”.
But, you know it too, you want to make it as possible as possible.
Thank you for your patience and have a nice weekend. -
I understand completely and I sympathize with you. Have you found the ID number for the location you want and tried that in
? -
I understand completely and I sympathize with you. Have you found the ID number for the location you want and tried that in city: ?
Here is a Link from from my desired location. Where can I find the “ID”?
@Lordy the module instructions say to do this, to get the id
Ahh, the author hasn’t been on the forum in 7 months. :-(
the module instructions say to do this, to get the id @Lordy
What a PITA! The url accepted “Berlin” eventually, but @Lordy is being pretty specific about what he wants. However, that url returns json data (I threw it in a json viewer), and lo and behold, it appears to show all the stations in Berlin, of which his is present. However, the station ID does NOT work, neither as a number or a string.
Just for shits and giggles I threw the entire station name in
city: "Friedrichshain-Frankfurter Allee, Berlin, Germany",