Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Introduce yourself!
Hi everybody,
I’m Brandon (24) from Los Angeles, California. My experience and knowledge with coding — and raspberry pi in general — is very similar to that of @mikmonken above. I can follow instructions fairly well, but I know nothing about coding. I am very eager to learn coding, but have very little time to devote to it due to work, school, and a wife who likes to monopolize my time. ;D I’m amazed with the work that you all have done with the Magic Mirror project and I hope I can help contribute to it someday.
My first rpi project I undertook was the retropie. I easily figured out the software side of that, but then again all I had to do was follow simple instructions. I still haven’t started the hardware portion — I’m saving that for a later project when I can devote more time to it.
The second rpi project I undertook was installing an ambilight kit behind my wall mounted TV through Lightberry. This was slightly more difficult, but still only required me to follow instructions (I love the effect the abmilight gives while watching TV by the way).
I have now started the software portion of the Magic Mirror. I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew with different projects, especially considering my lack of even basic knowledge when it comes to coding. However, I have really enjoyed the project thus far and I am learning a ton through this project. I currently have the Magic Mirror running fairly smoothly through my desktop monitor. After I finish adding all the cool modules you guys have created, I’ll start to build the actual mirror itself. The end goal is for this to be a Christmas present for my wife. Who knows, I might make a couple more for the rest of my family too. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to this project. I look forward to learning from all of you.
I’m in the US and been looking to play with a magic mirror for some time! Excited to have found this group!
I’m Doug, 41, I’m in Portland, OR in the US. I am a software engineer for work and I dabble in a lot of things, but mostly electronics and game development.
I originally found MichMich’s awesome mirror project a couple of years ago, and made one for myself. Though I got discouraged after corrupting two different SD cards and dropped it for other projects. Was excited to see the new MagicMirror² project and this great forum!
During my original work had rebuilt some of the mirror code, and even hacked together facial recognition using RaspiCam (my mirror has a Rasberry Pi Camera sneaked up behind the glass at the top).
It’s nowhere near as nice as easy to set up as paviro’s facial recognition module!I recently posted a module I ported from my old mirror code, Forecast-IO weather:’ll post pictures of my mirror once I get it all working again :)
I’m Mitch from the UK, I’m a BI Consultant who specialises in SQL Server.
I’m building this mirror for my kitchen, and looking to replace the family calendar with it (plus other features like commute times etc). We have 4 kids, so it can be difficult to keep track of all our activities etc!
At some point I’m hoping to make a move and develop a module.
I’ve also just joined my local hackspace which has just formed, and I’ve been showing off the mirror to those guys too!
Hello All,
Name is Angelo from New York, USA, 33 years old. Coding experience, virtually zero but I built a CNC machine from scratch a couple of years back. A friend saw it and it and landed me an IT job at his company, just an entry level gig doing IT support but hey, it’s a start right? My MBA is in international business so the career change scared the heck out of me. So far I am really happy with it though. I have always been a maker and having just finished my ride on cooler I needed a new project. Enter the smart mirror. Really looking forward to offering and getting advice from the forumGreat to meet everyone!!!
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Aug 15, 2016, 10:07 AM Aug 15, 2016, 10:05 AM
Hey guys my name is John and I’m 53 and from Upstate NY [about 5 hours away from NYC]…
I like to try new things that I have NO experience with such as programming, etc. So I would say that the help I’ve gotten here and the learning I’m getting is priceless to me.
I was looking for a ‘Magic Mirror’ that I could install and there are a few out there… I found this one and feel in love with it instantly. Now I have people asking me all the time ‘can you build me one?’… I tell them I can but you can also build one yourself… I am not, nor will I ever try to profit from others work because I think when someone makes something and ‘donates’ it others should not benefit from it like that.
I thought at one time of using my RPI3 to build a ‘car stereo’ but found that there was little to no help … so I found an image that was in German and helped get it translated over into English so that other could use the software to create their own… so now there’s an English version floating around on my google drive for people.
I am always glad to help others if I can. This is what this is all about and I really appreciate the hard work that’s been done!! I’m going to try to port an NFL scoreboard over that I wrote in PHP for a joomla module on my website… why? I don’t know… I’m hoping to learn something from it!
Hi everyone,
my name is Stefan, I’m 34, married, living in Germany (near cologne). I always enjoyed developing Software so I completed a 2 years education and ended as a software engineer in a small company designing websites and backend for tourist related topics. I noticed I did but like doing that for the rest of my life so I was looking for alternatives. Now I am working as a senior IT analyst in a TV production company.
Over the last years I spent my free time rebuilding my car, swapping the engine, adding aircondition, changing the drive train, removing rust and getting a fresh paint in the original colour. This project was finished last year, just in time for marriage.
I always liked building things, working with wood and glue and electronics, I can’t do “nothing” and I wanted to play around with a raspberry for a long time, so I recently bought one with some sensors and stuff.
We just bought a house which is about to be built so I plan to create a smart mirror on a central place in the house, get the wiring done to avoid cables hanging around.
In addition 4 months ago we rescued a small pitbull called Chico from the shelter and are now doing our best to educate this little boy.Best regards, Stefan
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HI I’m Chris, 32 Financial Software Specialist (tech support basically) from Newcastle, UK.
Been a Pi user for about a year I have 3 at present, 1 running a robot coded with Scratch (with my Son 7)
a Pi zero runing Kodi
a third in the post …Currently aquiring parts to make a magic mirror after reading about in the Magpi Magazine
My coding experience is so far limited to scratch and i (somehow) figured out a code to connect my pi to my NAS box
Hello! Johann here, programmer by day, and programmer by night too, weekends also! Started building my version of a smart mirror and doing research found magic mirror and community. Full of ideas and inspiration, good place to see explore the cutting edge of mirror technology!
So hi everyone.