Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@cowboysdude I am interested in this as well …very cool thank you.
I have two questions does it include on the listing Costco and Sam’s (which are club member prices and what i use mostly) ??? and also is there an option you can add to it so it will start listing from the top with the lowest price instead of by the distance.Denis
@richland007 I looked at the top down in price and was JUST thinking about that :) Right now it’s done by distance. As for who is on the list I cannot control that…it’s the data I get :)
@cowboysdude Hey buddy i just installed your module and all i get is “updated at XDate@Time” and no other information?? Is the module currently working? can you test it with zip codes 75252 and 75093 and see if you get any info please?? Maybe there is no information on my area
Thank you
Denis -
@cowboysdude . . . I am having the same exact issue. It only displays the [updated] line with nothing else.
@richland007 Hi…the module calls autoblog as follows:[zipcode]-gas-prices/
replace [zipcode] with your zip code to see if your zip code is valid.
@3d thank you for the tip did not know that …and of course i would get values, i am in the middle of Dallas and Plano what was i thinking LOL… and i also get values for Costco and Sams that i asked a few posts above…so that’s a good thing cause we always use those 99% of the time as a small business.
Anyhow the issue remains just “Updating…”
D -
@richland007 Excellent. I am having the same issue as well and can’t figure it out yet.
BTW, I lived in Plano as well…actually graduated from Univ Texas Dallas and Baylor Law. Plano is a great place. Glad I could help a bit.
Yes they’ve changed their page so the data it’s asking for is incorrect. I will fix it when I can get some time to do it… Sorry everyone.
@cowboysdude I just sent you a pull request that should fix their new page.
@cowboysdude I just sent you a pull request that should fix their new page.
I got it and it’s been merged!! HUGE Thank you for fixing this…time is killing me right now :)
"You can now get fuel data for regular (default), mid-grade, premium, and diesel. I also threw in a way to sort by price or distance (default). I saw you had an items variable in the default config section as well. I assume that was to only show X number of items. I added that to your for loop that iterates through the gas array. "
He not only fixed it but enhanced it to make it 100% even better! Here’s an example config:
disabled: false, module: "MMM-Gas", position: "top_left", config: { zip: "14904", items: 10, typeGas: "", //premium, mid-grade, diesel, or blank for regular sortBy: "price" //distance, price } },
See the // notes for added features! Thank you again @mochman
Do a git pull to update and update your config accordingly :)