Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
how to pull new element added to an array?
OK, so I was able to modify the default newsfeed module to show an icon/image and got the description to marquee across the page.
But, I want it to be able to use more than one feed.
I can’t seem to get it to pull from the feeds array, I don’t get any errors from this, It just won’t show the image…Here is my current configuration that gives me the undefined image…
feeds: [ { icon: "NewYorkTimes.png", title: "New York Times", url: "" }, { icon: "USAToday.png", title: "USA Today", url: "" }, { icon: "BBCWorldNews.png", title: "BBC World News", url: "" } ],
if (this.config.showMarquee && this.config.showIcon) { var marquee = document.createElement("div"); marquee.className = "bright xlarge bold"; var icon = document.createElement("icon"); icon.innerHTML = "img class = image src=./modules/default/newsfeed/icons/" + this.newsItems[this.activeItem].icon; wrapper.appendChild(icon); var txtDesc = document.createElement("marquee"); txtDesc.className = "bright xlarge bold"; txtDesc.innerHTML = moment(new Date(this.newsItems[this.activeItem].pubdate)).fromNow() + ":" + " " + this.newsItems[this.activeItem].title; + " || " + this.newsItems[this.activeItem].description + " || "; wrapper.appendChild(txtDesc); }
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
@justjim1220 said in how to pull new element added to an array?:
what is that variable?
this.config.feeds is the confiured data -
yeah, I was going by how the rest of the info (title, url, description, etc) is pulled from the feeds array, so thought it would be the same.
can u show where newItems is set?
start: function () {"Starting module: " +; // Set locale. moment.locale(config.language); this.newsItems = []; this.loaded = false; this.activeItem = 0; this.scrollPosition = 0; this.registerFeeds(); "use strict"; this.isShowingDescription = this.config.showDescription; },
this is the default MM newsfeed, I am trying to modify it to show different things.
@justjim1220 the problem is that the newsItems array is set from the rest api to pull the entries from the source. THAT data does NOT contain the icon you want to use.
your feed DEFINITION does , but not the feed response data…
so, can u tell from an item which ‘feeds’ entry caused this entry to be in the data? (ie, tell its source)… and can you search the feeds to locate the feed definition from any data in the item?
once u can do that, then u can use the feed entry icon
Not quite sure I am following you correctly…
Do you mean to pull the icon from the feeds source? the website? -
ok, so how would I be able to use the corresponding icons/images for the active feed showing if there isn’t any icon data in the rest API?