Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-Dreambox] to connect a Dreambox or a Enigma2 Receiver (like VU or VU+) to MagicMirror and stream stations via omxplayer
Okay, I have MMM-Remote-Control running and I can open the menu.
Now using:¬ification=DB-PLAY
I get this:
Now I see a stream on my monitor !!
With DB-SERVICE-NEXT and DB-SERVICE-PREV I can scroll through the services list
Also gives{"status":"success"}
But I cannot switch to another service with DB-PLAY.
And I have a side effect that it takes 3 or 4 services on my Dreambox.
I have the plugin InfoBarTunerState installed and I see that MM is trying to stream multiple services.At this moment I see one stream on my MM monitor, but my Dreambox tells me there are 2 MM streams present (on 2 different services).
Here the OMXPlayer processes at this moment:
pi@MagicPi:~/MagicMirror/modules $ ps -eaf | grep omxplayer | grep -v grep pi 28431 28259 0 18:06 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c omxplayer --win 320,180,1600,900 -o both pi 28432 28431 0 18:06 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/omxplayer --win 320,180,1600,900 -o both pi 28455 28432 10 18:06 ? 00:02:50 /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin --win 320,180,1600,900 -o both pi 28522 28259 0 18:15 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c omxplayer --win 320,180,1600,900 -o both pi 28523 28522 0 18:15 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/omxplayer --win 320,180,1600,900 -o both pi 28546 28523 3 18:15 ? 00:00:31 /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin --win 320,180,1600,900 -o both
Btw, is there a possibility to have the start, next, prev and stop URL’s configured in MMM-Remote-Control ?
Okay, rebooted in order to start fresh.
Now 1 stream.
Looks like one actual omxplayer active:pi@MagicPi:~/MagicMirror/modules $ ps -eaf | grep omxplayer | grep -v grep pi 29320 29185 0 18:39 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c omxplayer --win 0,0,480,320 -o both pi 29321 29320 0 18:39 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/omxplayer --win 0,0,480,320 -o both pi 29344 29321 10 18:39 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin --win 0,0,480,320 -o both
InfoBarTunerState also states there is one stream.
The will do for today.
Will do some more testing tomorrow.Thanks a lot AxLed for the support so far !!
Good to hear you had success and thanks for your challenge with more than one bouquet 😂, helped debugging the module.AxLED
I have opened 4 feature requests on GitHub.To be honest, my MM is hanging a meter or so away from the TV, so I most probably will not make use of the module.
Navigating through the services list and starting & stopping a stream is not that comfortable
Although it might be practical to see on my MM what is currently playing and I might use it solely as a program guide.Will be available though for some testing.
Hi, if the to monitors are close together you can still view 2 different shows :-) .
I checked your 4 feature requests and added 2 of them in the module.
For the other two i can not promise, if they will be implemented.AxLED
In your feature request, you wanted to select a bouquet (if there is more than one):Okay.
Let’s say I have the bouquet “MagicMirror (TV)”, could there be an option to use this one, instead of the default “Favourites (TV)” ?
I assume “Favourites (TV)” is the default.Please check the dev branch of my module.
- Rename your MMM-Dreambox folder to _MMM-Dreambox (for example)
- do a
git clone --branch dev
in your modules folder - add new parameters to your config.js, as descriped in readme. (see apibouquet and listmax).
Hi @AxLed ,
Busy trying your updated module.
I am struggling a bit with it.1/ I suppose I set
apibouquet: 1,
Is that correct ?
What does it do ?
When just enabling, then why not true or false to make it more clear?
Or do I set it to 1 for bouquet 1 and 2 for 2, etc?
Please explain.2/ The parameter
listmax: 10,
is working, but after play or stop, it jumps to the bouquet name.3/ On my install, when I do DB-PLAY, it starts the stream twice.
So, I have 2 omxplayer process-sets and it takes up 2 streams on my Dreambox.
EDIT: now streaming Das Erste HD. No other process-sets present.
Perhaps decoding takes to long and omxplayer is respawning.4/ Even though I have employer processes, I do not see anything on my screen.
EDIT: now streaming Das Erste HD.
I think I have a local issue, as I cannot stream decoded content anymore.
My MPG2 license is still valid.
Perhaps a performance issue. -
Example for observation/issue 3:
pi@MagicPi:~/MagicMirror/modules $ ps -eaf | grep omxplayer | grep -v grep pi 4190 4061 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c omxplayer --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4191 4190 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/omxplayer --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4214 4191 7 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4222 4061 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c omxplayer --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4223 4222 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/omxplayer --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4246 4223 13 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin --win 0,625,590,957 -o both
After a few seconds and when the stream is visible on the screen:
pi@MagicPi:~/MagicMirror/modules $ ps -eaf | grep omxplayer | grep -v grep pi 4190 4061 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c omxplayer --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4191 4190 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/omxplayer --win 0,625,590,957 -o both pi 4214 4191 10 19:31 ? 00:00:02 /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin --win 0,625,590,957 -o both
here are some questions:
to 1:apibouquet
expects a number (integer) and in java it starts with 0. If i use the xml-sample file of/web/getallservices
you send me its in your case as follows:
0: Favourites (TV)
1: Nederland (TV)
2: Duitsland (TV)to 2: i cant reproduce this behavior
to 3 & 4: try disabling some other modules, to find out if there is a intolerance beetween modules.