Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
A module like WB-Weather with support for other weather APIs such as BOM.
I recently saw the amazing weather plugin WB-Weather but its hard coded to use DarkSky I was wondering if anyone would be interested in adding support for other weather APIs such as BOM?
I found this but am having trouble configuring it as documentation of options is missing. I get is the location name with a line under it.
Would appreciate any help.
Alan -
@Nalmo if u look at the code, it’s looking for your state abbreviation, config option locationState
@Nalmo also, in the place u start MagicMirror, via npm start or pm2, there will be messages output by the modules node_helper (which gets the data)
if using pm2, then the command
pm2 logs --lines=50
will output the last 50 lines of messages saved
Thanks for a quick response.I have not configured any options for bomweather in config.js other than location and locationState
The log file shows it fetched the correct URL; next line says “BomForecast Forecast received”
MM is showing the (correct) location (“Melbourne”) with a line under it, but not the forecast.
When I set radarImage to true, I get a small square under the line.
Can you advise what the configuration options are for this module. I have looked through the bomweather.js file but am not sure what the config options are (still a bit of a noob at this).
Thanks -
@Nalmo sorry I don’t know anything about the module itself.
in the modulename.js is a define for defaults:{}
all of those are config options. sometimes modules don’t list a config option for various reasons…
so I look thru the code for .config. to find them
and the node_helper.js too… -
Finally got the 7 day forecast showing with this modification from @anobleperson