Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Just playing around......
Little something I’ve been working on…have done ZERO css work to it yet but you get the idea. ;)
Adding a round wind compass to the right is the text that it’s using…
As usual, a really nice job! I have a hard time choosing which or your weather modules to use!, I have 4 pages and I think I have one on each page!
A possible suggestion… I would like to see a precipitation amount in one of these weather modules, rain and/or snow. Something to possibly add to one of them. maybe for like the past 24hrs, or week, or even month. A year to date would be awesome as well!
Your modules are annoyingly cool. :-)
Even works with my [seans modified] background module :) [PS those are animated icons too ;)]
@mykle1 Thanks soda pop…LMAO
I’d say it was awesome if I weren’t so jealous. :thumbsup: