Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@stuartiannaylor Good catch! I assume as well it should be
npm install --production
but I’m not sure if that’s the cause for your deceasing MM. Deletion and new install of the module should do it. After all, all npm dependencies are installed in the node_modules folder below the module folder. -
The module folder was full of folders after that and Node was just choking the CPU @ 97% with PM2 trying to restart.
Someone else give it a go as I have done it once already :)
@stuartiannaylor I already had it installed, couldn’t see a problem.
Tried again with--productive
.Can’t see a performance problem from here…
Folder size
with --productive 60mb
with --production 11mb -
Maybe it Pi Zero then I will do it once more… :face_screaming_in_fear:
About an hour to reinstall on the lowly pi0w though
Decided not to as have a hunch on what is happening as saw it download electron last time.
It prob bypasses the server-only and guess launched electron on a Zero I will just leave it for someone else as it takes just too long to install on the Zero and will try it another time when I have the time to kill and install. -
@stuartiannaylor Sorry for the question but you are in the MMM-MovieInfo folder when doing the install and not in the MagicMirror folder, aren’t you?
@lavolp3 Yeah hence why I was so surprised at what it fetched. It did look like the whole install again but in the mmm-movie module directory.
Actually it wasn’t to be honest as it only took 10 - 15 minutes whilst mm takes approx 35 - 40 on the zero.I will give it a go but just not yet as just want to see if I can find ‘my’ perfect set of modules for what I would call ‘my’ complete mirror.
I was almost there and finishing things off and did my usual of romping ahead without saving copies of config so starting from scratch.
I will give it a go tomorrow as I am expecting on a zero if you do a --productive first that is what kills things.Also I think I have hit the worst thing about the zero and not running electron as I will not have any console logs?
I think I can get them with the selenium webdriver for chromium but haven’t been back since I was playing with it.
Or at least I can get some form of log browser side as at the moment I have none but then again could just do it with a command line input I guess. -
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-MovieInfo$ npm install --productive
npm WARN deprecated browserslist@1.7.7: Browserslist 2 could fail on reading Browserslist >3.0 config used in other tools. npm WARN deprecated circular-json@0.3.3: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor. npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file. added 384 packages from 448 contributors and audited 1138 packages in 799.653s found 1 low severity vulnerability run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
Node about 0.3%
{ module: 'MMM-MovieInfo', position: 'top_right', config: { api_key: '50543fe5151a1e58768462815ce4d0f8', discover: { "primary_release_date.gte": "now", //now "primary_release_date.lte": "month" //day, week, month, quarter or year } } },
Well didn’t expect it to work but working ?!
@stuartiannaylor said in MMM-MovieInfo:
I will give it a go but just not yet as just want to see if I can find ‘my’ perfect set of modules for what I would call ‘my’ complete mirror.
1st rule of MagicMirror Club: There is no complete MagicMirror.
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: -
Lols it would seem so, as so far much effort but no completed magic mirror, but much fun :)
Its been really interesting introduction to nodejs and a whole previously hidden browser console.
I am still banging my head with this PiZero as really with any complexity the proc load goes crazy.
Great if you keep it relatively simple, but being trying ‘other’ browsers to be lighter and to my surprise chromium is by the the best. Midori & Epiphany even after java problems or bad animation are still no lighter from what I am seeing in Top.Its a tremendous project and I will bung it a donation when I have a bit of cash.