Computer Engineering student here. Needed to work on a project for my Microcontroller class.
So, originally, I was going to use RP3 for something else. Unfortunately, after hours of trying, I was tired of trying to get my project to work.
Then my wife comes into the office complaining about wanting a new mirror upstairs in our bedroom. I did a quick google search for a mirror and since I had been working on my RP3, Google decided to be a bro and throw some SmartMirror photos in there. It jogged my memory about seeing a post on the RP forums about the MagicMirror and I did another search.
Now I have a quickly done final project. … For now. I have plenty to add.
I spent about 10 hours on this. Working out the modules, APIkeys I needed, margins (thanks again, @strawberry-3-141) and how I wanted things to look.
I had an old monitor laying around and decided to use it for the time being. It would not go in my final product to make for the wife. This one was a simple proof-of-concept for the class project.
Originally, I purchased a glass pane from Lowe’s and was going to build a frame/box seeing as I enjoy working with wood. I purchased a shadow box from Hobby Lobby for $20 because all I really needed to do was to add the mirror film and put everything inside. It had the depth I needed for the monitor and internals. Bought film off Amazon to add to the glass. It may have imperfections, but it’ll get the job done until I purchase an actual mirror/plexi for the full-body for the wife.
I want to turn the real deal into my senior design project to add quite a few more features.
PIR sensor for dimming purposes
Touch screen
A “button” on the screen that will turn on LED strips for mirror lighting, tap it and they turn on
A pop-up keyboard
The ability to create a tasks list (Wunderlist module) but being able to add things from the mirror
A few of these would be easier to implement than others, but worth a shot.
Thanks to everyone for the help and to @MichMich for the great work!
[image: 1480089012075-img_1558copy-resized.jpg]