@Ashidian Yup. Thx.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Run MM on Ubuntu 16 VM
run sudo npm install in MagicMirror -
RE: PM2 Error
@KnottyCord You are correct - you are running systemd (not plain old linux). PM2 does not seem to “realize” that.
Note that there is ANOTHER problem with PM2 that is now reported as a bug - read all about it here:
Best of luck - and don’t hesitate to ask for help!
Last time connected to Net
(For debugging purposes)
I have found the my (WiFi only) MM sometimes “falls off the net” - which means that the info it displays is outdated.
It still display stuff, but there seems no EASY way for me to tell what happened as far as I can tell. I just notice that my calendar is outdated; that my Wunderlist is old; that my commute times don’t seem right…
Then I try pinging/SSHing & fail. Reboot time.So I am requesting a (small) module that states “last time connected” so I have an indication if things are wrong. Or I’d like someone to tell me how to deal with this. Or (better still) the module would check for WiFi signal & then respawn a PM2 process.
RE: (Solved) PM2 does not start on reboot
@xbmcnut took me a good 10 seconds to find pm2-pi.service for the raspberry
And another 5 to change it.YOU ARE A GENIUS!
thanks -
RE: (Solved) PM2 does not start on reboot
@xbmcnut Just read your post - now MY installation wont run PM2. Argh. Where do you change the timeout settings?
ps - Re: screensaver: I had to resort to’
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver
and the disable it.
RE: (Solved) PM2 does not start on reboot
@amanzimdwini @xbmcnut
Clean installation onto a Pi3 works… (and I have NO idea why it works on this one: my last pi3 gave me the same problem you had). So you might want to look at a different Pi?
Best of luck! -
Installation script throws warnings (that I can ignore, so this is just an FYI)
Full Jessie release 3/2/17 on a Pi3
Runningcurl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/master/installers/raspberry.sh | bash
shows -at least for me, but repeatedly-
npm WARN prefer global coffee-script@1.10.0 should be installed with -g npm WARN prefer global jsonlint@1.6.2 should be installed with -g npm WARN prefer global colorguard@1.2.0 should be installed with -g
Not sure if anyone cares, but thought I’d point it out…
Thanks for the script (and the whole project)! -
RE: (Solved) PM2 does not start on reboot
@xbmcnut Hey - I’m not the only one any more… Same problem: used to work on an OLD installation, and now - nothing. I am just working on a brand new one tonight.
BTW: does you screensaver stay off? I had to work quite a bit at getting that working in the new distro. -
RE: Electron failure Rpi3 Jessie w/Pixel v. 4.4
@artank look at the file config/config.js (which used to be the config.js.sample). Your weather might not be working because you did not enter your API key in it…