I tested wih modules of your config.
My testconfiguration:
- Raspberry Pi 1
- MagicMirror v2.7.1
- npm v6.8.0
- node v8.9.0
- no electron (as i dont run/installable on Pi 1), i run
node serveronly
- display: Webbrowser
My rotary encoder works as follows:
Seite blättern
(press works and gives a red frame an a lock sign, cw an ccw dont work, as MMM-Pages isnt part of your config)News (mehr/weniger Details)
(press works and gives a red frame an a lock sign, cw an ccw works)Test notification
(press works, no cw or ccw functionality by design)News - mehr Details
(press works, no cw or ccw functionality by design)News - weniger Details
(press works, no cw or ccw functionality by design)Neustart MagicMirror (PM2)
(dont work in my testconfiguration, as i dont use PM on RPI1)Neustart
(press works, there is a pop up notification to press twice for reeboot, requires MMM-Remote-Control)Herunterfahren
(press works, there is a pop up notification to press twice for shutdown, requires MMM-Remote-Control)
Two ideas:
- wrong cabeling, here are the 3 pins for CW, CW and PRESS of your config.js (
GPIOPins: [26,20,19]
- messed up setup, try to save your config and reinstall raspian an MM