I had this module working great , but for some strange reason it no longer shows the Landscape can. I set the dates to tommorrow which is trash day so the Trash Can and Landscape can should be displayed the day before (which it today) and only the Trash Can is displayed. My date is set correctly on the Magic Mirror so its not that.
Here is my config entry
config: {
refreshInterval: 18000000, // Default: 18000000 = 5 hours
pulse: true, // Default: true - Makes the module pulsating
enableBasic: true, // Enable basic trashcan
basicStartDate: "27.11.2019", // The first dumpster day (Always use 2 digit dates (01 instead of 1))
basicDateDiff_1: 7, // Trashday reoccurance - Default: 14 (every 14 days)
basicNotifyDayBefore: true, //Default: true - If you want the notification to appear also the day before the dumpster day
enablePlastic: false, // Same values as basic but for Plastic
plasticStartDate: "27.11.2019",
plasticDateDiff_1: 28,
plasticNotifyDayBefore: true,
enableLandscape: true, // Same values as basic but for Landscape
landscapeStartDate: "27.11.2019",
landscapeDateDiff_1: 14,
landscapeNotifyDayBefore: true,