@bmarofsky Hey guys… any luck on getting this to work? I’m seeing the same issues and no errors in my logs.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Pi-hole API presenter
RE: Should be an easy one: module_center stretches the entire width of the screen. How do I resize this?
@ninjabreadman Thanks again for the assistance, one day I will return the favor (just give me some time to learn JS and CSS)!
This bit of CSS did in fact reduce the size of my news feeds to a more reasonable size, though it introduced a new problem - it moved the entire module to the left hand side of the screen. I don’t know if this is due to alignment or what, but my fix for THAT was to include the following bit of CSS into my custom.css as well:
.region.middle.center { left: 30%; }
RE: Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
@shbatm I wasn’t expecting a drop-in from the designer/developer - thank you for taking the time to expand on the original Carousel, I’m a big fan of the module!
Also thank you for these notes! I was having trouble understanding how to utilize the carouselId values and where exactly to put them, this information cleared it up perfectly for me! This should keep things a bit more organized in my config file.
Should be an easy one: module_center stretches the entire width of the screen. How do I resize this?
I have my MM setup using the Carousel module so I can cycle through multiple slides of data. I have a page per personal stuff (calendars, email, weather) and another page for news (for now). Everything is working perfectly though I really hate how my news feeds are stretching the width of the entire screen since I keep them in the middle.
What I’m hoping to be able to do is limit just my newsfeeds to a smaller subsection of the screen so I can still use my left/right columns for additional data. How would I go about doing this? Would I include a new css file in the newsfeed directory? Does it consume these automagically or do I need additional JS to make the module consume them? Is it possible to do this via the custom.css file in the css directory?
RE: Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
@ninjabreadman Figured I’d drop an update in here for not only my edification, but on the off chance someone else stumbles in here facing a similar issue.
I was successfully able to replicate the calendar module and include it in the carousel by copying the entire module directory and renaming it to my preference (in my case, calendarBills so I can see upcoming bills). I then hopped into the directory and renamed the calendar.js file to calendarBills.js and edited it to change the name the module registers with. Just to be thorough, I backed out to the modules/default directory and edited the defaultmodules.js file as well. Finally, I backed out to the config directory and updated my config.js to include the new calendarBills module in both the main config block as well as the Carousel’s slides configurations. Once again, to be thorough, I rebooted the Pi and let it boot up. Once it came back up I was able to see both calendar modules on page 1 and the carousel successfully slides between each slide without any errors.
Thanks again for the help NinjaBreadMan!
Original: Module.register("calendar", { Changed: Module.register("calendarBills", {
Also, credit the the post below for pointing me in the right direction for module renaming.
https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/2655/change-modules-name/7 -
email-mirror not retrieving emails
Trying to setup email retrieval via imap and not seeing what the resolution is here. I’ve setup the module and configured it per instructions then restarted MM. It loads up just fine, but displays no emails in the module area. My GMail account is configured to allow access from less secure applications already.
{ module: "email", position: "top_left", header: "Email", config: { accounts: [ { user: 'beeficecream@gmail.com', password: 'youDontNeedMyPasswordSilly', host: 'imap.gmail.com', port: 993, tls: true, authTimeout: 10000, numberOfEmails: 2, } ], fade: true, maxCharacters: 30 } },
RE: Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
@ninjabreadman Exactly the information I was after, thank you. I think I’m going to revisit this at a later date when I have a better understanding of how to work with and possibly build modules so I can get that functionality built out. I really like the simplicity of the basic calendar module so using the extension is pretty much out.
RE: Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
@ninjabreadman I guess I have a follow up question as well - is there a way to use the same module twice and include it in the carousel’s slide configurations?
I use the calendar module to bring in multiple calendars (personal appointments, upcoming bills, and work events), which works fine with a basic setup, but I’m thinking it may cause issues in the carousel considering all three of those modules use the exact same module name in the config. So say I want my personal/bills calendar on slide 1, but my work events on slide 2… how would I go about configuring that?
RE: Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
@ninjabreadman Thanks for the response! This is a great start as I didn’t know that something like JSHint existed it may have already solved my problem. After running my config through that site it showed that I was missing a : in my ignoreModules parameter - WOW. Added that colon and restarted mm - everything is working now.
Again thanks for this. I think my biggest problems here were my lack of experience with Javascript (thus having no idea how to validate the file) and my lack of energy when working on this project considering I only have time at night when I’m worn out from working all day.
Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
My objective is really simple - setup the carousel in slide mode so I can have multiple “pages” of different data rotating on an interval. I’ve spent the past couple days painstakingly reading through all of the documentation available for the MM project itself as well the both version of the MMM-Carousel module (orig. and w/ Navigation), but continue running into the same problem after each attempt at config.js changes - “Could not validate config file. Please correct syntax errors. Starting with default configuration.”
I’m not here looking for handouts, rather a hand in understanding how this module is supposed to work as I’m not fluent in Javascript and can’t quite understand where the code goes after the first couple of lines. If possible, I’d like to find the answer to some, if not all, of these questions…
- What does a config.js file look like with a basic slide carousel setup? This has been my biggest annoyance with this project. It’s a seemingly advanced module that sounds like it needs more in-depth setup, but offers no indication if that’s true or how to do so if it is. An example of a fully functional config.js with the slides carousel configured would probably be the best response I could receive here; I mostly say this because I’m not quite sure how to configure which modules go where and to which slide they belong.
- When setting this module up do I need to keep a module section in the config.js for each module I’d like rotated on a slide? Do I need to place the slideId value in each module’s config block or do I keep these settings contained within the carousel module block?
- Is there somewhere I can find more in-depth error output than the ~/.pm2/logs directory? When I save the config.js file and check my screen to verify changes all I see is a generic error stating that I need to check my config.js, which I do, but find that it’s perfectly formatting.
Any guidance here would be stellar. I’ve bashed my head against the wall for a few days trying to figure this one out and just can’t.