A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
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    Hi everybody,

    I have an issue that I don’t realize how to solve it:

    My mirror has several modules, but particularly has MMM-ImageSlideshow to show images in an iterative way. Everything works fine, but now, I need to pass the images shown by ImageSlides with a button action (show previous or next image).

    At first, I tried to instance some ImageSlides modules (each module showing only one picture) and I tried to manage the visualization of each module with MMM-Carousel without success, because all instances of ImageSlides were shown in the mirror at the same time (not only one at time).

    So, I researched in the 3rd-party-modules but I didn’t find anything that can fit to my requirement.

    In summary, I’m looking for some way to pass images (previous and next) by a button action. I would be very nice to me if some of you have an idea how to do this. Also, if someone want to share a config file as an example I would be very grateful.

    Thank you very much.


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    27 Posts

    @banbutcher so, there were two problems

    0 cycle time
    and carouselId

    I had my brain screwed on crooked for carouselId.

    suppose you had multiple instances of the same module name in config.js, showing different things on different slides.

    when u define the slides, u use the module ‘name’, but in this case, name is not enough.

    so, in the module definitions themselves u add another unique identifier, carouselId: somestring. the value can be anything.

    in their config:{} section, that is where carousel module will look for ‘carouselId’

    in the slide definition, when u come to that module to be displayed, instead of putting the name in quotes, you need a little structure

    { name: "module name", carouselId:"samevalue_added_to_module_config" } ,

    that way the carousel module can tell which module instance should be shown