Suggestions :
- format header correctly (class name = module-header)
- remove station number from name
Great module btw !
Suggestions :
@SoleLo It’s a 22" samsung computer screen
+1, I was thinking about a mini website where friends could record and post their audio/video message, then a notification is shown on the mirror, and buttons in the remote-app could allow the play/pause/next/delete functionalities.
This is my 1st mirror built on a Raspberry Pi 3.
I used a photoframe (50 cm * 70 cm) and added some depth with wood planks.
The film on the glass is from “Reflectiv”, the frame&wood from “Leroy Merlin”.
I recycled an old speaker (Parrot Party) which I needed to disassemble. The mirror can play music through AirPlay thanks to @surekat and his awesome module (
I added some led strips on the side of the frame, it’s really eye-catching.
Modules used : RATP (train & bus) / Email / Weather / Airplay / Remote / Traffic / Compliments / RSS newsfeed.
Thanks to all the community for making this possible ;-)
Thanks a lot @surekap for this amazing module. It works !
Quick suggestions :
I’m experiencing a white screen issue after updating MMM-Remote to the latest version. Anyone knows how to solve this ? I’ve disabled the module for now.
I’m also interested in the development of this module.
I’ve started to recompile Shairport-sync so it can write a plain .TXT file with the metadata each time a new song is detected, now I have to read the last line of this TXT file through a MM-module. But I don’t know if this is the right direction, editing the core of Shairport-sync seems like a bad idea (no updates, etc). I wish I could read metadatas via the pipe in a less complex way. Anyone has worked on this ? Thanks !